Thursday, January 8, 2015


Good morning world family friends and neighbors and GOOD MORNING DEAR GOD, I woke up early this morning parsing God for another wonderful year ending year of 2o14 and year 2014 has been a great wonderful year we have been so wonderfully blessed here at Renaissance family I have witnessed so many good changes in all the staff and all the workers and occupants It appears that we have had a revival here of Christianity I witnessed people being so kindly and friendly so activity everyone trying to help each other I see people waving to friends all the way across the dinning room. I stay here in my in my little nest hiding place and do not read the news peeper I can not hear and understand the pretty ladies trying to give the news. I hope and pray that the revival has been going on in the real world. We all need to pray for our President and all the so-called leaders that they will repent from their wicked ways. My resolution is that we will continue to have a revival here in our Renaissance family and we pray that we will be better people during the New Year 2015. –John Davidson

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