Sunday, March 1, 2015


Thought For Today O SHIT I just farted I am going to see how many of my email friends have a science of humor’ I am going to use a couple words that is not in the KJV bible, and I do not believe they are sinful words, I guess they may be the way we use them. I am trying to use them this morning that maybe I may make you smile a little or laugh out loud for a minute. These two words are considered to be vulgar and profane but every one of us does it, it is a necessity to live. Any way when I was in the army way back in 1944 I use to be a medical technician and I use to be a first aid man on troop trains caring soldiers to fort embarkation shipping to over seas and I was returning back to camp and going thru the large railroad terminal in Chicago and I needed to use the rest room and it had one of those thy dangle toilets that you had to put a dime in it to use it and I sat there for a long time broken hearted and nothing happen and a little later the porter came by and ask me is there any thing wrong and ask me why are you crying soldier, and I said I sit here broken hearted well I answered him well you would be crying too if you had spent your last dime to shit and only farted. He offered to refund my dime. I pray that no one feels offended by my little off color humor this morning. Have a good day. John GOD BLESS AMERICA---IN GOD WE TRUST

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