Sunday, May 15, 2011

Prayer May 15, 2011

Heavenly Father:

Good Evening Dear God, I hope that you have had a pleasant restful day, well I know that you did because you are all powerful God and that you are in control of heaven and earth, you can create any thing that you want too, because you created the whole heaven and earth, I believe that when I get to heaven that you will give me that kind of power, but then I will not need any power because you will have already prepared me with everything that I will ever want or need. Thank you dear god for your loving grace that I can sit her and cry out to you tonight and thank you for hearing my prayer and if it be within your will that you will answer it.

First I want to thank you for a wonderful blessed day that you gave to me and I pray that I did not do any thing was displeasing to you and I ask you to forgive me if I commit any sin against you today. I thank you for any blessings that you may have bestowed on my family. There are many names that I want to lift up to you for your blessings, there are many those that have trials and tribulations serious illness and diseases dear God I pray that you will administer to them what ever their needs may be.

Dear God I lift up my computer e-mail friends and ask your blessings up on them, I pray that I do not embarrass or offend them by sending my scribbling to them. I pray for the families that have recently loss love ones in their families give them strength and endurance thru their grieving journey. I pray this prayer in the name of my savior Jesus Christ.

John Davidson

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