Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fathers Day Prayer For My Children-2009

Fathers Day Prayer

Heavenly Father, when I start thanking of or about my earthly Father I start thanking of you, because you are my earthly and heavenly father and you will be my eternal father. With out you there would not have been a fleshable father and I would not have been here in the first place. I thank you dear God for being my eternal Father and I thank you for my wonderful earthly Father that you give to me. My earthly Father was mot a large man in size but he had a heart of gold. He was not an educated Father but he had wisdom as a genius, he loved his heavenly Father, and he loved his family and he taught us right from wrong, he displayed his Christianity before the whole world. I know that he installed that wisdom in me that I could pass that Christianity on to my family. I thank you dear God for your wisdom that you have passed on to my family and me.

I am so grateful dear God that I feel that I have been a good Father and I feel that I am passing this knowledge on to my children, and that they will pass that on to their children. Dear God I have made many mistakes, I am certainly not perfect, but I do want to be a good Father, I want to be a good Christian child of yours. I praise your name dear God for letting me being a Father on this earth of yours.
Have a wonderful Fathers Day Children; I love you all very much.--- Your Dad

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