Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Mothers Day Prayer--2009

Mothers Day Prayer

May 10, 2009

I woke up this morning thanking about my Mother eveven thou she has been gone to live with our savior in heaven since the year of 1988, when she had attained the age of 95. Today I am celebration the 87th mother’s day celebration and I laied here thinking of my Mother and reminisced over her life. Remembering her loving care that she did for her children and her husband. I know that she had many hard years trying to make every thing good for the whole family. I watched her trying fix and prepare meals and keeping what clothes that we had and she kept them clean, when there was no money to buy food or any new clothes.

She was always the first person to get up every morning and start breakfast and she was always the last person that would retire and go to bed. She never had any breaks or rest periods during the day or night. The depression years lasted for our family for a long period from the year of 1930 until the beginning of world war – 2,
1941. We were able to survive after the wage and hour law put in effect in 1938, it is a little difference between jut surviving then really living.

Our family consisted of six children and my Mother And Dad. I still remember those cold winter days that my mother would spend the biggest part of day of washing our clothes out in the cold weather in tin tubs with no heat. It would require about another day of ironing clothes with a smoothing iron heated from the old cooking wood burning stove.

My mother and Dad were praying Christians and taught us right and wrong and expected us to live according to the golden rule and if we varied away from it they did not hesitate to take us to the wood shed. I believe that I received my share of invitations to the wood shed and I thank God for every one of them because as I grew in to adult hood and married and raised a family. I believe it prepared me with Christian wisdom and with my wife that we raised three beautiful wonderful law abiding children.

Well Mother you will not be able to read my email but I believe that you will know that I am thanking of you this mother’s day today. O what pleasant memories that still have of you every day, O how much I still love you dear Mother. Dear Mother I can Almost hear your prayers that you are still praying for me every day. Your son John

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