Friday, November 4, 2016

Please vote for Donald Trump

Dear friends I pray that you will choose Donald Trump to be the best candidate to serve our nation. Hilary Clinton is so sinful corrupt and is not qualified to lead our nation.

Any one that votes for Hilary they are putting them salve in the cagey as Hilary who is a lawbreaker’ and she should be in prison.

Our nation can be compared to the six chapter of Genesis when God develop the great flood thru the great family of Noah and remove ever living thing from earth except ever thing lived in the ark. That is a sad story but it is also a beautiful story of Gods great power  over us..

Written by John Davidson

Sunday, October 30, 2016

To my friends and neighbors of Renaissance. This is a copy of the memos that I used to put into the bird- houses, that I gave to our church people, and other people and other functions in my town of Goodwater. This was one of the ways that I tried to minister to my friends and neighbors there.

I regret that I am unable to do the same ministry to you, but I just do not have my wood shop here. I try to do a little ministry work of my Lord and savior, by putting some devotional messages in the lobbies here. I hope and pray that you pick them up and read them. May God bless, I love each and every one of you very much.

                                        John Davidson

Copy of my memo:

                             Happy Birthday


                             Happy Anivarsy

This birdhouse is a gift given in the name of Jesus Christ our savior. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoyed giving it to you. God loves you, so do we. God bless you , and GOD BLESS AMERICA.

We hope and pray that you are a Christian. If you are not, we want to give you a few key bible verses that should help you to become a child of god.

1-   Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
2-   Romans 6:23 “ For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
3-   Romans 6:14 “For sin shall not have dominion over you.”
4-   Romans 10:9 –10, “ That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead,you shall be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteous and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.”
5-   Revelations 3:20,”Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and open the door, I will come to him and dine with him, and he.”

6-   Acts 16:3o-31,” Sir, What must I do to be saved? And they said,” Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved.”

7-   1 Corinthians 10:13 “ There have no temptation taken you but such as common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able , but  will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye man be able to bear it.”

8-   Romans 10:13, “ For whoso ever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. “

This birdhouse is given to you in the name of our savior Jesus Christ by your friend John Davidson and your pastor Joe Fain.

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Congratulations to Barry Ray

This is a celebration of our great boss man Barry Ray and his lovely wife they have been pride owners of this great facility Renaissance at Rome, Georgia. They are celebration their ten year annivarrs here at Renaissance and we are all celebration this with them’ we do not consider Barry as a boss man we consider him as a close friend. We have learned to love and admire what he does for us elderly occupants at Renaissance.

I remember the time that he took over ownership and I have had a good relationship with him for these ten years. I have not met his lovely wife but I know that she is a lovely lady. I have met a couple of their children on the email computer.

In knowing Barry I know that he is a leader of his family as he is a leader for us. I too know that the Ray family is all born again Christians.

John Davidson

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Hello friend have you made up you mind which one of these nitwits you are going to vote for president. If you want my option I endorsed Donald Trump the first day that he announced that he was running for president, I wrote email to you people that I compared him to General George Patton and Harry Truman and he has lived yup to his canvassing, he has proved that he is hard tuff as general Patton and Truman, He is the kind of man I want lead me and my America.

I believe that there will be a lot of people will change their minds as entering into the voting booth, I believe that Christian people have prayed about this election.

I believe that Donald is a true American and will try hard to make America great again. I know that he will make some mistakes because there is no man has been perfect but Jesus Christ.

I feel so sorry for Hilary I pray that she will accept her highly defeat in a Christian attitude she so wanted to be so noted for something. I ask all my good friends will vote for Donald Trump.

John Davidson

Saturday, September 24, 2016

nks Friends

Dear friends do you know my savior Jesus Christ, he is the greatest friend you will ever know. Have you been to the cross where he was crucified, where he died for all your sins? Do you walk with him ever day, do you carry his cross with you ever day. If you perform these duties you are on your road to go to heaven. I am performing these duties the very best I can, but in but in my unfaithful faith I fall short in his desire for me.

I pray that some day I will be perfect then my Lord will call me home to live with him in heaven. Then I will see my wonderful wife and the rest of my family has already gone to heaven.

Friends the gospels will teach you how to perform all these manigificent duties. It is all in the HOLY BIBLE. I am bragging about where I am in life, I owe it all Jesus. Thanks dear Jesus for what you did for me while on the cross. 

John Davidson

This little story of table number –2 – of the dinning room in Renaissance. We call our selves the stooges. Melvin Bruce, Sam Freeman and I John Davidson, we have shared our table for over six years and we have fell in love with each other and learned each other’s ways. I do not know why we chose this name because we are sure not funny but we do try to put a little love and joy in our family time together. We had vagrancy on our table after Dewitt transferred to the Harbor.  We wanted to find some Christian friend to replace this vagrancy.

That was about that Tom Tate lost his beautiful wonderful wife Lucille went to live with her Lord in heaven. Sam Freeman knew Tom a long time before they came here to live. Sam approached Tom and asks him if he would like to come join us on our table. He explained to Tom that He and John was very death and we could not hear it thunder and Melvin was so blessed that he could hear you drop a pin on the floor but he has a low ken voice you can not hear and understand what he is saying he has a lot of wit if you could   hear him and understand him. Melvin really has a way with the women nearly ever one comes bye they whisper something in his ear, I lean across the table to try to hear what is said. Sam sates in the corner and ever time a pretty lady comes bye and he jumps and grabs them, I sat in the corner and observe all these shanghais going on and laugh at them.

Tom replied to Sam and said it sounds to me that you all are a bunch of nitwits, but I love it I will feel to be honored to share your table I too am a little nitwit at heart. I spent several weeks of checking Tom out to see if he would fall into our style of behavior and he passed the test with fling colors. I noticed that he can raise his voice lauded enough to hear him.

I also noticed that Tom is falling in the category with Melvin and Sam of loving the pretty ladies. In another year I may be trying to find three people to come sit on my table.

In a serious note we all four are born again Christians, we try to share a little love and joy to our wonderful family.

John Davidson, Melvin B

Friday, September 16, 2016

Corn bread

My family thinks that I have an ark of making good corn bread and I thank that I do make a good cake of bread and my son asked me if I would make an recipe explaining just how I do it, so here it goes.

First select a 9-inch skillet and make sure it is free of left over stuck bread I try to not wash it and just try to clean it with paper towels.  I then cover the skillet bottom of cooking oil and insert the skillet in to the hot heated oven that has been set between 35 and 40 degree. I really do not measure any of the ingredients.

Select a mixing bowl and put in about 3 small cups of self-rising corn meal. Insert about a tablespoon of salt. Insert about ½ cup of cooking oil. Insert 2 hen eggs and mixed it good and insert enough butter mild until it pours easily into the hot skillet from the oven.

Cooking time some where from ¾ hour too one hour. Check it at the ¾ hour and it probably will be start to tan in the edges stay pretty close and watch it until it is as brown as you want it.

I believe that I am going to go bake. me a cake of corn bread.
Your DAD---John Davidson

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Poor Hilary

She seams to be a lost person in bitter weeds she does not know where she is in America/ She made a speech this afternoon and she sounded so weak and I noticed that when she tried to walk up right she walked she was about to fall again. I do not believe that she had pneumonia, I do not know what her ailment is but I believe it is more serious then a pneumonia.

When she was speaking she sounded like she was canvassing for Donald Trump she was telling about all the Donald your chips and go home and take care of your over sexes husband.

Hilary, God loves you and so do I. ---John Davidson                                       stands for.

Poor Hilary she wants to be recognize for something good for publicity, but her history tells us something different, Hilary why don’t you just cash in 
                                  Prayer July 20,2004                                    

My God My Heavenly Father I kneel before you this morning with a humble heart. I come to you to tell you that I love you and I praise your name, you are my God, my savior, and my redeemer. You are the great creator of Heaven and earth and every thing that lives and dwells within it.

I thank you dear God for letting me be a child of yours. I thank you for letting me call you my heavenly father. Help me to obediently to your ever wish and command, just as I tried to be obedient to my earthly father. Forgive me dear God when I failed you and disobeyed you as I did with my earthly father. I am very sorry for my disobedience to both of my fathers. I ask for your forgiveness for all my sins.

I want to thank you dear God for my many blessings. You have been so good for blessing me in so many ways that I can’t count them all. I thank you for a wonderful beautiful family. Having a wonderful family is what makes living on earth worth - while. I thank you for health that I feel good, do not suffer but very little pain or discomfort. I sometime thank that I am a miracle child. I thank you for miracles that you perform here on earth.

I want to pray for many of my friends that are less fortunately then my self. There are many that have serious illiness and diseases and severe pain. I pray dear God if you are willing, I ask you to heal them and releave them of all their pain. I pray for the people that are lost that do not know you as their Lord and savior. I ask you to lead me and guide me in your light, and help me to resist all temptation and sin. Teach me to be more like you as I walk the rough path here on earth. Teach me to minister to loss souls that I come in contact with. Teach me to love every one as you have commanded me to do. Dear God you know that I do love all man - kind as I love, as I love myself. You know dear God that I love people that may despised me, or persecute me, or ignore me, or say evil things about me. I pray daily for these people. I know dear Jesus that you are walking right along beside of me, when some one ignores me or mistreat me. I just turn to you Jesus, and  I wink to you and say that we will have to pray for them.

I pray for all our soldiers that you will protect them, as they offend   our nation and for us from all evil and corruption. I pray for our official leaders in all categories in federal, county, and city. I pray especially for our city of Goodwater. Our little town has just steadily gone down, and deteriorated over the several years. It seams that our present officials are not qualified and does not have the expertise to perform their duties as many Christian people in our town believe it should be performed. I pray that all Christian people will pray over this dilemma.

I pray for church. I pray for all of our ministry programs within our church and also for our ministry programs outside of the church. I pray for our church family dear God, we are so close and love each other so very much. I pray for Bro. Joe, and Sherry and their son Steven   they are such a blessing to our church.

I offer this prayer in the name of my savior Jesus Christ.  AMEN

Monday, September 12, 2016

Prayer tonight                       Sept 19 2016

Here I go again complaining about little description affairs in my blessed life. I am scheduled to have a new battery replaced on my pace maker this will be my fifth battery to be replaced I had my pace maker installed back in the year of 1992. No wonder God has allowed our doctors to become vessel for healing body parts.

I have had three delayed schedules of this procedure I cannot understand why this all occurred, but my bible tells me that every thing has a purpose; I just prayed to my savior that I will accept it for being a good reason. I am not dreading the procedure in fact I guess I am looking forward for it. I know that the lord will be laying beside me and holding my hand.

What an awesome Lord we have that stays beside of us when we need him to lift us up. Thank you God for our good doctors that loves us and an extra mile to help us. I guess that my life has been so wonderful blessed to live a ripe old age of 94 years old.

John Davidson

Sunday, September 11, 2016

November 8th 2016

The election on November 8th may be the greatest election that America has ever experienced, It may be the end of time for America, it depends on the person you vote for I highly endorse Donald Trump to be our president for four years.

I do not believe that and a born again Christian could possibly vote for Hilary Clinton for any government position and especially for president. Donald Trump has been preaching and telling America how corrupts and crocked.

I suggest that everyone that votes for Hilary wear black clothing and all that votes for Donald wear RED clothing to stand out. Now at my age I am going to sit down and scratch my head and laugh at you poor people will have to contend with the humble bubble affairs. I have my own president and his name is Jesus Christ.

This is about the way I feel about all the affairs because I cannot do any thing about the horrible affairs of America, but Icon pray for family’s friends and neighbors and America.   John Davidson


                         AFFAIRS OF OUR NATION

                                                                                 August 19,2008

Dear God, I have awaken up early this morning feeling a little depressed, I had a restless night, I did not have any pain or discomfort, I just kept waking up every few hours. I guess I was depressed about our nation; I am scared to death about our nation it is in the worse shape since the 1930’s in the great depression years. I am 86 years old and I remember the depression very vividly.  It is not just only the economy it is many other problems that we need your helping hand to lead us and guide us to fix.

I am trying to write a story about the great depression for the 1930’s and it is still very imbedded in my mind. I believe that I am a better person for having to have gone thru it, it was extremely hard but it helped us to realize that life is not a bed of roses. It made us realize that money doesn’t grow on trees. It made us to be thankful to God for food and shelter. It helped us to love family and neighbors and it helped us to seek our savior Jesus Christ our redeemer.

I pray that America will never have to endure another depression as we had in the 1930’s, but it could happen again. So I ask you to pray that God will come to our rescue and heal our land. These are scary times in our nation, in 46 more days we will vote for a nation leader and we need to pray earnestly that God will lead us and guide us to choose the one that will serve America according to the will of God.

It may be that we have swayed away from Gods will for us that he is knocking us down to our knees. As we look over all the terrible things that are happening all over the world makes you wonder, what is God up to, and he is in control of every thing in heaven and earth.

I personally do not believe that the American people are strong enough to endure a depression as we did in the 30’s, so may I ask you to pray that God will intervene and heal our land. It may be that our lord are trying to attract our attention and telling us to shape up and repent of our sins.

Heavenly Father thanks you for the privilege that you let me talk to you thru my writing, it always give me much satisfaction to talk with you and express my thoughts to you. I feel so wonderfully bless that I can see well enough to write and can hear well enough that I can carry on an intelligent conversation. Thanks dear God for everything especially my family. I sometime enjoy sharing my scribbling with others I pray that I do not offend anyone by sending them to you.          AMEN and  AMEN

John Davidson    

Friday, September 9, 2016

that we would have to stay in the hospital while they treated her, because they would feed the medicine intravenous. I tried to talk to Helen at best I could and explain to her what we were trying to do, without going in too much details. Dr. Kelly explained to us that this treatment at the hospital would not coat us that this would be considered research. He further ask for our permission to take some of the specimen and implant it into a monkey and see if they grew and they could study the disease, we gave them permission to do that. I requested that they would keep me informed on all the progress. They never did give me a progress report and about one year I called Dr. Kelly about why that I had never heard from them. He stated that the lab should have kept me informed. He then wrote me a letter stating that there had not been any thing to report, so I have not contacted them since that time. We had expected some immediate change in Helen’s condition and after a couple weeks and Helens skin was getting irritated and sore where they has the needles were inserted, so I talked with Dr. Kelley and I told him that we had not noticed any improvement on her and I wanted to discontinue the treatment and he agreed with me.

Around latter part of march or April of 1983 they discharged Helen, and the surgery the treatment and stay in the hospital had really took its toll on Helen’s health appearance and condition. The doctors and my children told me that I would have to put Helen into a nursing home that I could not take care of her at home; I could not accept that suggestion and I rejected and with their persistence, I finally agreed.                 At from that point she steadily deteriated almost daily. I put her in the Goodwater nursing home and I hired Jessie Worrell to sit with her thru the day at the nursing home, I was still working at Sterling Lumber and Supply Company, and I guess I thought that I had a pretty responsible job.

                  Increment number- (2)

I would usually go to the nursing home at noontime to check on her, even thou Jessie was staying with her. I would go to the nursing home as soon that I left work and stayed with her until I put her to bed. I would get up every morning and go to the nursing home and get her up and give her bath and feed her breakfast and go to work. I left her in the nursing home for about a month and I decided that this was going to kill me, so I decided that I was going to take her home. The children thought that I was making a mistake but I told them that I was going to get help to stay with her and help me with her. I told them that I could afford to do that.

I talked with Jessie Worrell and she told me a couple of good people that I could get to help me. I contacted Joshalean McElrath and Nellie Thornton and they both agreed to help me. They were the most wonderful three people that I have ever had the privilege and experience to know. They treated my wife as though she was a Queen, and by the way she was my Queen. The all three stayed with us until Helen passed away March 23, 1985. Josglean stayed on with me until her health got so bad that she had to quit around in the year of 2002.

 Back to the year of 1983 that I received a telephone call from a neighbor of my brother’s in Ozark and she stated to me that my oldest brother had had a massy heart attack and was dead. I could not accept that as being true and I insisted on talking to Nell, his wife and she did get on the phone and told me that it was true; it was so hard for me to accept the news. Helen’s illiness had progressed to such a case that she hardly knew was going on and could not help me and I was about ready to get off my rocker. I finally calmed down and prepared to go to Ozark to his family’s home. My brother had just been visiting us the Sunday before in Goodwater and my Mother had gone home with them to spend a few days, so she was there when he passed away. My brother had mentioned to me that Sunday that his legs were hurting him pretty bad and I told him that sound like poor circulation and I suggest that he should go to a doctor and have a check-up, and he indicated that he would do that. We spent a couple days in Ozark visiting the family and attending the funeral. On the second night I received a call from Rick my oldest son and informed me that they were unable to attend the funeral because his wife Linda had miscarriage, I could tell that was up-setting Helen but she could not all understand what was going up and that felt heavy on my mind. Helen sat around all the time that we were there and starred into space not really understanding what was going on.

It was in the year of 1983 that Charles F. Thomas, my boss and partner of Sterling Lumber And Supply Company, developed blockage of arteries and required bypass surgery and while he was home recouping from surgery and we suffered a big fire of our fabrication plant. I called him at home and told him that there is nothing that he could do and for him to just stay at home that I could handle everything. This was a very expensive fire around half million-dollar loss. It was very fortunate that we had adequate insurance to cover the most of the loss. We had several large Govt.  Contract orders on the books and were delinquent on many of the contracts and it require a lot of negating with the Govt. to keep them for fine us or canceling our contracts.

It was in latter part of 1983 or 1984 that my sister Hazel and her husband came from Florida to come help me take care of Helen. On one Sunday evening my sister took my Mother to go for a ride and go to Alexander City to buy a watermelon and on their return back to Goodwater they met a gang of motorcycles speed daemons passing cars on her side of the highway and she had to leave the road from killing them hitting them head on. My sister and my mother suffered multiple fractures and broken bones. There were several days that they were not expected to live. I remember one night while they were in the Sylacauga hospital they called me that night and told me if I could come to the hospital because they did not think that my mother would live thru the night. I ask Nellie Thornton if she would stay late that night with Helen and she stayed on until I went to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital and they told me that they did not know what happened but my Mother had started reviving and was much improved. My mother finally healed enough to leave the hospitals and lived to the year of 1988.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

This message is directed to the person that removes my tray and writings to other places from the front table in the lobby. I am so sorry for people that want to  do bad things to other friends. I am praying for you just like I am praying for every one here at Renaissance, If you will get in touch with me I will tell you how to become a Christian. God bless you.

Your friend John 

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Love letter Renaissance

Howdy to my good friends at Renaissance I consider all of you to be my brothers and sisters I believe that you all are born aging Christians. We here at Renaissance are all over the average age of life. I believe that the most of you came here to spend the rest of your remaining years on earth. I came here in year in October 2004 to try a new style of living and see if I could be happy in a new kind of family in two more months I will have lived here twelve years and have enjoyed ever hour of it. What a blessing we have such a wonderful beautiful facility to live in we have the prettiest park to relax in and walk around in the walk paths.

In the springtime I walk on the sacred paths and listen to good gospel music. In the hot summer time I spend much time in the carport rocking away my blues away that is not a true statement because I do not have any blues in my life now. I sit there and talk to my savior and meditative over my blessings.  I sit there and talk with Jesus and thank him for so many blessing that he gives to me. I look up in to the beautiful ski and wonder when God is going to call us to our new home in heave. When I meditate over life as it is now I think that I am living here in heaven on earth.

I wonder how many of you feel the same way as I do about life, why don’t you write me a statement or story; I would like to know much of your life. I thank you for reading some of my writings writing helps me to be a little more alert. And I need all the help I can get.

 God bless America and God bless Renaissance. ---John Davidson

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Have you ever just prayed and medicated and day dreamed about just how wonderful and beautiful heaven must be. I have spent countless hours nanny times just meditating and wondering how life will be in heaven. S it in your wildest dream vision how and what heaven is like living there or in to eternity. I thank about it a whole lot. The bible is sorted a vague about living about daily activities. I know that some of the streets will be paved with gold. I know that there will pearly gates, I know there will be castles for some who will desire to live in them, I prefer a common home or a log cabin on a dirt road. The gold and pearly gates a large castle does not impress me very much.

What does impress me is I know that Jesus is there and I am looking forward to neat him face to face and sit down with him, I have so. Many questions to ask him. I know that I will know and recognize all my love ones that have gone there before me. I do not know, but I believe that all now have a spiritual body until the day of the rapture when they and us will have a Glorified body.

I believe life in heaven is now and will be for eternity is very slow and relaxed , more like the early life was on earth. We want or need all the modern convience that we  all abuse ever day. 

               The bible tells us that there will be no pain no sickness no worry no fussing no feuding no cussing no fighting. Will there be some work for us to perform, what will we eat, will we have to grow our own food or will Jesus just serve us with mania ever morning us.

I believe there will be animals there I believe they will all be tamed I believe that big lions will lay down with baby lambs. I doubt that there will be any kind of machinery there because that would be a hazard situation cause injury. I bereave that most people will have a vegetable garden and a beautiful flower garden. If we have a little farm I believe that it will be cultivated with the old mule pulling the old hill beam plow. I believe that heaven will go back to the old style living. Will be very quite very little loud noise the loudest noise you hear the thunder when Jesus gives us rain to water the gardens. I believe there will be beautiful small rivers and creaks for fishing I believe fishing will be like John and Peter used their nets. I am planning to look up John Peter and Andrew to take me fishing.

I do not know if there will be over crowded doctors in heaven because we want need them in heaven and here on earth they killed about as many that they saved in their practice. We want need any lawyers and thank God we want need any pollutions in heaven.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

                                My Introduction To Jesus

I would like to introduce you to a very good friend of mind. I met him many years ago at a country church. It was in a revival at this country church. It was one of those revivals that lasted all week long, I mean it was an eight-day revival that begin on Sunday morning and lasted until thru the next Sunday night.

I had sat in about the third pew from the back of the church. I believe it was about Friday night. This  was where I usually sat. I had been sitting on this same pew all week long. This elderly person had been sitting on this same pew all week long. But he had not said any thing to me nor had I said anything to him. I did not know him and my Mother always told me not to talk with strangers unless they spoke to me first. This man looked a little different to me. He had a slight beard and his hair was longer then most people wore their hair at that time. I thought to my self that this man was very well groomed, even thou he had a beard and long hair. When he looked at me he would smile and he winked  to me. You could tell that he was a kind gentle and loving person.

In my timid boyish nature I felt that I would like to meet this man. But since my Mother had taught me not to start a conversation with adults or strangers, I knew better to disobey her. It was in the invitation that was given at the end of the service. I could not contain my self any longer. I noticed that my knuckles were turning blue where I gripped on the pew before me. This elderly man reached over and put his hand on top of my hand, and winked to me again, and smiled to me. I knew then that I had the courage to release my grip from the pew and move forward and go surrender my heart to Jesus, and tell him I want him to be my Lord and Savior. It was a glorious feeling. It was like a hundred pound of burdens had been removed from my shoulders. On top of all that, my young brother had been sitting on behind me in the church. By the time that I had gotten to the alter, my young brother had followed me to the minister, and he surrendered his heart to God also. My Mother and Dad and the rest of my family were attending the service. You can imagine what kind of celebration that we had around the alter.

After the service was over, I went out side and looked for the elderly man, but he was no where to be found. While walking home with my family, I ask my Dad if he knew the elderly man that sat with me in church. He grinned at me and said did you not meet him. I answered to him and said, well no, not really, he put his hand on my hand and he winked to me and smiled to me. But no one formally introduced us to each other.  He said, I believe you will meet him many times again and again. He said he is a man  that will be the closest and best friend that you will ever have on this earth. He said yes, I know him, his name is Jesus Christ. He is the person that you just committed your life to him and promised to serve him the rest of your life.

Dear Jesus I thank you for that night that you sat with me and gave me the strength and courage to move me in to your holy spirit, and give me eternal life. I know dear Jesus that I have not always been true to you and your will for me. I apologize to you and ask for your forgiveness. Dear God that was about sixty- five years ago since that wonderful night. I know dear God that I have not been a model Christian that you expected of me. But dear God I have kept my faith in you, I love and worship you. There have been times that I was disobedient to your will, and sinned against you.

Now dear God I can say that within the past fifteen years that I have been obedient to your will, I have served you, I have displayed my love to you, I have picked up your cross and followed you. I know that I am a child of yours. I feel continent, joy, love and happiness in my heart. I know when I die that I will go to heaven. Thank you dear God for the many blessings that you have bestowed on me and my family.

This is a prayer story, it is partially a story of the night of my conversion, and it is partially my testimony. Of course the character that sat with me is imaginary. Hope you enjoy my story.

                                                 John Davidson              

Well it is about time for us to elect a new leader of some one to represent us in America. We have not had any one to lead us within the last 16 years.  I have prayed for the last four elections that that god would be involve in the selecting the best person to serve us. I believed that he has given us the choice just like he did while he was on the cross, he gave us the choice to receive him as our lord and savior or you can receive the old devil Satin.

The United States is more sinful then Sodium and Gomorra I wonder if you can find 10 righteous people in the United States. We are in war among our own people. There is no person on earth that can fix that; this is a job that Jesus Christ can only fix.

I here by make a motion that who ever is elected president that the first order of business that the congress will pass a resolution that the president or the vice president will recite a short prayer to America. This prayer will be broadcast on ever channel in the nation, this prayer will be prayed at 9.00 AM in each time zome.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


I climbed up on top of   the chicken house and fell down on my knees; I liked to have killed my self of laughing when I saw the turkey sneeze, Shakespeare.

Bumble bumble  bumblebee please do not put your sting on me, if you do it will make me cry then I will wish you to die.---Snakeshit

As I was thanking about this it reminded me of an experience that occurred with me when I was about 16 years old. My good friend ask me to be his chauffer on a big date that he wanted to impress his date that he was a cool cat about town. He further agreed to get me a date with his sister and I agreed so we went off to a movie, which was about 23 miles away. But to impress our dates we wanted to go to a fancy café and had a fancy dinner and when we received our check it was much more then we expected and we pooled our money and we did not have enough money to cover the bill and He excuse him self and he went to the manger and explained to him that we had had got carried away trying to impress our dates and we had over extended our finances and if he could extend us credit for the balance and we would bring him the balance with interest and he stated that he was not allowed to do that he had strong orders from the owner he would be fired but he stated that he was short of help tonight and he would let us wash dirty dishes to pay the balance. We understood his situation and we agreed to his proposal and we went told our dates what we had to do to our dates and explain our situation to them and they even volunteered to help us the four of us spent the next three hours washing dishes. The four of us along with the manger spent the three hours kidding and laughing over about our predicament. That is one of the best dates that I still remember.

I guess that we impressed our dates pretty good because I dated his sister many times and my friend married his date. Tell me about your first date and I would like to read it---John Davidson                                       

Friday, July 8, 2016

Rocking chairs

Gracious God I come to you in the name of my savior Jesus Christ thru your Holy Spirit. I come thanking you for the many wonderful blessings that you have given to me this day. Thisis the day that you have made so let us rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you for the privilege that you allowed me to walk with you today. Thank you dear God for letting me carry your cross and I hope that I carried it according to your will for me. I love you dear Jesus and I do not want to do any thing displeasing to you.

After lunch my good friend Sam Freeman and I go to the rocking chairs in the car port and spend considerable time rocking and enjoying the wonderful breeze that flows thru the car port. We are both hard hearing we do not disturb others with our loud voice. We discuss many subjects I do not believe that that there is any subject we have not discussed.

How good is your day been, John Davidson

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Gracious God, My heavenly Father I humble myself before you and ask for your divine leadership and help, I seam to have developed some of Satan demon ship, in some of my attitude and actions. You know that I have many adversities and I have been able to control them with your help and be happy and joyful most of the time, but in recently months I have let them get the best of me, I find my self-being crabby, critical, being short fuse talking with people not wanting to be with people, staying in my room too much by my self. I notice that people ignore me and I ignore them as well. I do not seam to have ambition to do hardly anything. I spend much time working on the computer and listening to television, I write lots of spiritual things on the computer. I spend much time on the computer studying the bible. My most joyful time each day is working on the computer. I cuss at the people on television; especially the pretty women that cannot talk and they read their script so fast you cannot understand them. Dear God you know how frustration it is for me that I can not see and can not hear and have problems trying to find the words that I need in trying to carry on a conversation with others. I always think of the apostle Paul that he prayed for healing of his affliction and the Lord told him that he had sufficient grace to endure, so I know that my lord has given me sufficient grace to endure, so I will depend on God to help me and sustain me.        

I don’t want to say that I am unhappy, but I know that I am not completely happy either, I believe that I am a little depressed, I am bored to death. Now dear God that I have analysis myself and have written some of my problems down with pen and ink, I will now pick up my self by the boot straps and conquer my sinful ways with the help of my lord and the Holy Spirit.

This document was written a few years back in time but some time I feel a little depression, but I can pray and ask god to lift me up. July 7, 2016

John Davidson

Monday, July 4, 2016

4th. July prayer 2016

Dear Jesus this is my 4th July independence day prayer for year of 2016. Thank God and all the military comrades that have given their lives so that we enjoy the freedom they give to us Americans.

When I thank of Independence Day or 4th. July day I always thank about three of my good friends playmates that give their life for our freedom ever day. I knew all the families of these three families and how much hurt they suffered.

We here at Renaissance have been wearing something RED for several years ever Friday to show support and honor to troops and veterans. We are a Christian family here and we love every one and pray for them daily.

John Davidson                                      

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

                                                       This prayer is prayed for Stanley Sutton

Heavenly Father, this prayer is a special prayer for one of my friends here at Renaissance, and his name is Stanley Sutton I ran into him this afternoon as I was walking around the grounds getting my exercise and listening at some wonderful gospel music and just meditation on the life of Jesus and parsing the name of you dear God. I struck up a conversation with Stanley and I let him listen a little bit of my gospel tape and within our conversation I discovered that he was a devout Christian, I also discovered that he had had a stroke as I had. His stroke left him much more afflicted then myself.  I know that he has some Constance pain and he uses a wheel chair to get himself around within the premises. I found that he was many years younger then myself.

Dear God none of us can understand why bad things happen to good people, but we know that if we will pray and have faith and trust in you that you will and can heal us, as you have done so many times before. I pray dear God that you will bless my friend and give him amazing grace and heal his body.

I thank you dear God for the many blessings that you have bestowed on me and my family, I am so grateful for them; I love you and appreciate everything that you have done for me.

This prayer is prayed in the name of my savior Jesus Christ. AMEN

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

             HE CROS

As I sat here tonight and thinking about what am I going to write about? Well as I reminisce about my article yesterday about the cross and I received many responding emails telling me they enjoyed my article and to keep sharing with them and that encouraged me to keep sharing with family and friends and neighbors and if I have any enemies they can read them as well. There is about 100 occupants living here and ever since I have been here for the last five years and 10 months I have been sharing devotions taken from my computer and some of my written scribbling there as well, and many tell me they have read them. I have a space on the magazine rack to place them.

I do not worship the old wooden rugged cross but I love it, I respect it, I honor it, because that is where my savior Jesus Christ died for me. I remember talking with my pastor brother Joe one time after he had preached about the cross and I remarked to him that I thought that ever sermon should have the cross-mentioned at least five times in every sermon. The cross is one of my communions, just like the bread and wines the remembrance of my savior. Many of my friends of Goodwater may remember that Speck Sprayberry and my self built three large crosses and with the help of William Harrell and bro Joe we planted them in front of Baptist church.

Some may remember that I made many crosses and gave them to my friends. I also had A 10 ft cross in my front yard and I used to tell people if you need to find my home just look for the cross in my yard. A little funny story of the cross in my front yard after I begin to need a little help in mowing my big yard and I had a black man helping me to mow. Any way as I was sitting out in the shade of the large sweet- gum tree, just watching and admiring his work and I thought that he was taking particular pains to mow around the cross with the running lawn mower, I motioned to him and called him over to me and I told him that I noticed that you were very careful not to damage my cross, and I ask him what was his thoughts as he was mowing around the cross and he stated that he did not have any thoughts that he was just trying to do a good job. I then ask him did he realize that was the cross he was mowing around and he said that he was just doing his work.  I then ask him now that you know that was a cross what comes to your mind and he hesitated a little and said I don’t know I guess the Ku-cluck clan.

I then spent the next forty five minutes telling him the story of the cross and Jesus and I do not know if it soaked in to his ignorant mind, but this simple minded person did the best he could of telling him the story of the cross and Jesus and if there is any one who is ignorant about the cross or Jesus this simple minded person will be glad to tell it to you. I wonder how many people see the cross and just thanks about the KU-Cluck Clan, instead of Jesus Christ.

God help us.

Compassion Prayer

                                   COMPASSION PRAYER

Heavenly Father I pray for your loving grace for compassion that you had with your disciples. Give me wisdom that I can display the same kind of love and compassion that you did for all people around Galilee. I do have true love and compassion for family, friends and neighbors and all mankind, but I do not display it the way that you did for all the people. I would like to feel more comfortable and be more relaxed in speaking and displaying my conversations talking about you my savior.

I know that my body is your temple, I know your Holy Spirit lives within my heart mind and soul, and I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit working with me thru out each day. I just want to feel closer to you when I pray, I want to feel that I can just touch you hand and hear you say well done my good faithful servant.

And he answering said, thou shalt love thy Lord thy, God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and  with all thy mind, and thy neighbour as thyself. Luke 10-27

Jesus has compassion love forever person that has ever walked on this earth whether they are believers, non-believers, atheist, or what ever, he stills love them and desires for us to love him as well.  


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Thanksgiving Story-2009

Heavenly Father, our Father which art in heaven, hallowed would be thy name, I approach you this day in the grace of my savior Jesus Christ, and give thanks to you for all my wonderful blessings that you have given to my family and my self. It is fitting that I should take this time to write a thanksgiving story and share it with my family and friends and tell them how you have blessed me so wonderfully. I count my blessings every day and give thanks to my lord every day and I share them sometimes to my neighbors but since we are approaching the national holiday thanksgiving, I have a desire to write it and share it with others.

Dear God I feel so unworthy of receiving these blessings but dear God, how I love them and appreciate them and I praise you for them. This reminds me of the song count your many blessings and counts them and names them one by one. Well time or space will not allow me to name all of my blessings here but I will recite a few of some of my large ones just for my story.

Heavenly Father, where should I start you know dear God that I have been a Christian since early teenage years, but you know that I swayed away from you for few years and was not trusting you whole heartily and was not obediently to your will for me. Sort like the prodigal son, I came back into your folds and joined the Goodwater Baptist church and served with them there for forty eight years and function in many positions, I could not preach like Peter, and I could not pray like Paul, I just took my sins to Jesus because he died for us all, I just did the best that I could under long stressful hard working years. O I was a Christian I had complete faith in God, I praised the name of Jesus that he died for my sins, I trusted him to forgive me of my sins, but I did not read and study his word the way that I should have as a born again Christian should have done.

You know dear God that I have had many, many trials and tribulations thru life, especially thru the eighties and nineties and you blessed me and give me sufficient grace to endure them. It probably was over in the eighties that I really felt like that I had become born again Christian. Thru the eighties and ninnies with so many heartaches and adversities, I seamed to grow more in faith with God with each episode. I know that I have grown more ever year since then, in faith and have trusted my savior and studied his word, I thirst and hunger to learn more about his word and the life of Jesus Christ.

After retiring from the corporate world I changed my life style of living. I let my hair down, the meaning of letting you hair down means; you behave in a free uninhibited manner, I did not feel that it was no longer necessary for me to present my self in a dignified sophisticated manner, so I started presenting my self as my true self, I started doing things that give me joy, and doing things that I never had time to do, like helping my friends and neighbors, working in the town and community. I had helped with many project and details before but it was all in the form of business.   After the death of my parents I turned in their house in to a wood shop and I made all kind of articles and give them to friends, my specialty was birdhouses, especially blue bird houses, I made many different designs.

                                   A few of my blessing 

1-   1-   First blessing was being born as a premature baby and only weighed about two pounds and no one thought that I would live. I have always considered myself to be a miracle child. Now I do not remember all of that but my Mother related that to me.
2-   2-   I have been truly blessed all thru my long life even thru the years of trials tribulations and hardships, because God has given me suffiiencent grace to help me endure them, and I walked with God and he walked with me and he walked beside me, what a blessing.
3-   3-   Next was having God fearing parents that loved me enough to teach me right from wrong, and taught me love of God. That was a wonderful blessing
4-   4-   I lived thru the big depression years and it was really hard but with the grace of God we survived it. Our family suffered the most was in the years of 1930’s 31st, when my father had no work at all. Then my father got hired in a sawmill town and at least we had food, but there was never enough money to do any thing else but have food, the depression lasted until the beginning of world war two. I grew up in that sawmill town until I entered in to the service. It was in that sawmill town that I surrender my life to God and accepted Jesus as my savior. That all was a wonderful blessing.
5-   5-   I was privileged to serve our country during the world war two as well as my two brothers and all three of us was blessed to return back home without being injured.
6-   6-   After returning home from the war I was given my old job back, which was store clerk, I felt very blessed to have been given my old job back, and my boss promoted me to assistant manger.
7-   7-   In the same year 1946, a Chicago firm came down and purchased all of the assets of our previous company and the new company promoted me to be their purchasing agent to buy all of the mill supplies.
8-   8-   The new company did not feel feasible to continue operations there because it was twenty-three miles to the nearest railroad and about seventeen miles to the neatest pave road. The biggest reason why the Sterling Company purchased the previous company was the previous company had a large inventory of hardwood lumber and the Sterling had a fabrication plant in Chicago and they needed the lumber to be transported to their Chicago plant, and they thought that would give them adequate lumber for the Chicago plant needs.
9-   9-   The Sterling Company selected me to inventory the mill supplies and store contents so that they could put them up for sale, I knew that it was going to be a tedious job and I suggested to the company attorney that if they would give me a secretary it would speed up the detail tremendously and he agreed. He then assigned me a beautiful young lady who was very smart and we got along real good together and were making much progress. In the Friday evening I thought that I would ask her for a date and I ask her if she had a special boy friend and she said that she had a boy friend but they were not in a serious relationship, that they were just good friends. So then I ask her would she like to go with me to a movie and have a nice dinner somewhere, and she refuse me and stated that her boy friend may come this week end, so I said that’s fine. So we did not mention that again but we had a good week and had fun talking together and I thought that she was being more friendlier then the previous week. Then Friday came again and I approached her again for a date and again she declined, so I more of less wrote her off my list. Then we started our final week of work and we enjoyed the final week and got along very good and I enjoyed her company but nothing was mentioned about dating again. Then Friday came again and we were completing our job and I was thanking her for her help and how I enjoyed knowing her, that was her last day of her employment with the company and I would go on over to Goodwater work of the extensions and have it be typed up. She then volunteered to take some of the work to take it home with her and help run the extensions for me, and I told her that I can not     let you do that because I could not pay her for her work, and she said that she did not want to be paid that she just wanted to help me. She really insisted that I let her take some work home, so I let her take some with her, you see I was not a complete fool, I could read the writing on the wall. I told her that I would come over Sunday afternoon and pick up the papers and I arrive there around three or four in the afternoon and I notice that she was dressed more for like going out then just like at home, so I picked up the work pages and noticed that she has not done much work on them, but I picked up the papers and I told her that I was going to a movie and have a nice dinner and I ask her if her boy friend was coming over this evening and she stated that she had told him good-bye two weeks ago, then I ask her if she would like to go to a movie with me. After that night we had a standard date every weekend until I married her about two years later. What a blessing that the Lord give her to me.
10-                 10-                  The Sterling company moved on over to the town of Goodwater, Ala. And purchased another lumber company and they started making wooden pallets, skids, boxes, Shipping crates, and other lumber commodities, and sold wholesale lumber. I had gotten acquainted with the Chicago attorney and he wrote a letter to the new president of the southern division and suggested that I be transferred to the Goodwater office and be a general office clerk, and on the recommendation of that letter I was transferred to Goodwater. That was another tremendous blessing.
11-                 11-                  About three or four months working in the office and I was enjoying that kind of work very much and I went in to the new southern president and he was marine captain veteran and had been discharged about the same time that I had been discharge. This new president would hire every veteran came and ask for a job whether he was needed or not, anyway I ask the president what was my potential with the company for advancement and he stated that it should be up to you, and he ask me what would you like to do I stated to him that I would like to become the chief accountant for the southern division. I knew that our chief accountant was getting to retirement age and the president stated to me why don’t you go for it. To close this episode I did become the Chief accountant when the chief accountant retired in about year of 1954 and I stayed with the company till 1989 when I retired as their executive vice president and we had 3 vice presidents under me that answered to me. I do not write this to brag I write this to tell people that you can accomplish most any thing in life if you will work hard for it and trust in the Lord.

This is just a few of my wonderful blessings in my life you will have to catch my next episode to read many more of my blessings.

Here's wishing every one a happy Thanksgiving ever day.

John Davidson                        

Monday, June 20, 2016

To my friends and neighbors of Renaissance. This is a copy of the memos that I used to put into the bird- houses, that I gave to our church people, and other people and other functions in my town of Goodwater. This was one of the ways that I tried to minister to my friends and neighbors there.

I regret that I am unable to do the same ministry to you, but I just do not have my wood shop here. I try to do a little ministry work of my Lord and savior, by putting some devotional messages in the lobbies here. I hope and pray that you pick them up and read them. May God bless, I love each and every one of you very much.

                                        John Davidson

Copy of my memo:

                             Happy Birthday


                             Happy Anivarsy

This birdhouse is a gift given in the name of Jesus Christ our savior. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoyed giving it to you. God loves you, so do we. God bless you , and GOD BLESS AMERICA.

We hope and pray that you are a Christian. If you are not, we want to give you a few key bible verses that should help you to become a child of god.

1-   Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
2-   Romans 6:23 “ For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
3-   Romans 6:14 “For sin shall not have dominion over you.”
4-   Romans 10:9 –10, “ That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead,you shall be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteous and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.”
5-   Revelations 3:20,”Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and open the door, I will come to him and dine with him, and he.”

6-   Acts 16:3o-31,” Sir, What must I do to be saved? And they said,” Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved.”

7-   1 Corinthians 10:13 “ There have no temptation taken you but such as common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able , but  will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye man be able to bear it.”

8-   Romans 10:13, “ For whoso ever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. “

This birdhouse is given to you in the name of our savior Jesus Christ by your friend John Davidson and your pastor Joe Fain.