What in the world is going on in our Country Our America, join John Hagee and all Christian Saints and pray that God will Intervening and take back control of his world, and remove the so called leaders of our Government and send them to go join Judies Iscariot.--- John Davidson
> Barbara Walters said that this was going to hurt ABC bad.
> As you know she works for ABC.
> THIS HAS BEEN VERIFIED THROUGH: http://www.snopes. .com/rumors/ noflagsasp
Monday, November 15, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Some history and facts since year of 1910
THE YEAR IS 1910This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine! ************ ********* ***********The year is 1910 One hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes! Here are some statistics for the Year 1910:************ ********* ************ The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.Fuel for this car was sold in drug stores only. Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads.The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower !The average US wage in 1910 was 22 cents per hour.The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year.A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year, A dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME.Ninety percent of all Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of whichWere condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard.'Sugar cost four cents a pound.Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.The Five leading causes of death were:1. Pneumonia and influenza 2. Tuberculosis 3. Diarrhea 4. Heart disease 5. StrokeThe American flag had 45 stars.The population of Las Vegas , Nevada , was only 30!Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented yet.There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write and Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores.Back then pharmacists said, 'Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind,Regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health'( Shocking? DUH! )Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A. ! I am now going to forward this to someone else without typing it myself.From there, it will be sent to others all over the WORLD - all in a matter of seconds!Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years. IT STAGGERS THE MIND
I double dare each of you not to delete this before you read it all the way to the end. I was born 12 years after the year of 1910. I even had a 1910 ford, I have watched the most of this as it happened or developed.
When Iran develops the nuclear bomb and with the help of Russia, China and some other countries that hates America and Israel we will fall back to the nineteenth century, so all of you better learn old history of the nineteenth century, I may not be around to tell you how to survive it. Have a good day.
I double dare each of you not to delete this before you read it all the way to the end. I was born 12 years after the year of 1910. I even had a 1910 ford, I have watched the most of this as it happened or developed.
When Iran develops the nuclear bomb and with the help of Russia, China and some other countries that hates America and Israel we will fall back to the nineteenth century, so all of you better learn old history of the nineteenth century, I may not be around to tell you how to survive it. Have a good day.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Article Of Revelation of bible
I was reading an article that was using the word dogmatic several times and I was wondering what the meaning of the word dogmatic and I come up on this article and I thought that it may be interested for some of you who reads some of my documents.
Please read and enjoy and praise God.
2. In His goodness and wisdom God chose to reveal Himself and to make known to us the hidden purpose of His will (see Eph. 1:9) by which through Christ, the Word made flesh, man might in the Holy Spirit have access to the Father and come to share in the divine nature (see Eph. 2:18; 2 Peter 1:4). Through this revelation, therefore, the invisible God (see Col. 1;15, 1 Tim. 1:17) out of the abundance of His love speaks to men as friends (see Ex. 33:11; John 15:14-15) and lives among them (see Bar. 3:38), so that He may invite and take them into fellowship with Himself. This plan of revelation is realized by deeds and words having in inner unity: the deeds wrought by God in the history of salvation manifest and confirm the teaching and realities signified by the words, while the words proclaim the deeds and clarify the mystery contained in them. By this revelation then, the deepest truth about God and the salvation of man shines out for our sake in Christ, who is both the mediator and the fullness of all revelation. (2)
3. God, who through the Word creates all things (see John 1:3) and keeps them in existence, gives men an enduring witness to Himself in created realities (see Rom. 1:19-20). Planning to make known the way of heavenly salvation, He went further and from the start manifested Himself to our first parents. Then after their fall His promise of redemption aroused in them the hope of being saved (see Gen. 3:15) and from that time on He ceaselessly kept the human race in His care, to give eternal life to those who perseveringly do good in search of salvation (see Rom. 2:6-7). Then, at the time He had appointed He called Abraham in order to make of him a great nation (see Gen. 12:2). Through the patriarchs, and after them through Moses and the prophets, He taught this people to acknowledge Himself the one living and true God, provident father and just judge, and to wait for the Savior promised by Him, and in this manner prepared the way for the Gospel down through the centuries.
4. Then, after speaking in many and varied ways through the prophets, "now at last in these days God has spoken to us in His Son" (Heb. 1:1-2). For He sent His Son, the eternal Word, who enlightens all men, so that He might dwell among men and tell them of the innermost being of God (see John 1:1-18). Jesus Christ, therefore, the Word made flesh, was sent as "a man to men." (3) He "speaks the words of God" (John 3;34), and completes the work of salvation which His Father gave Him to do (see John 5:36; John 17:4). To see Jesus is to see His Father (John 14:9). For this reason Jesus perfected revelation by fulfilling it through his whole work of making Himself present and manifesting Himself: through His words and deeds, His signs and wonders, but especially through His death and glorious resurrection from the dead and final sending of the Spirit of truth. Moreover He confirmed with divine testimony what revelation proclaimed, that God is with us to free us from the darkness of sin and death, and to raise us up to life eternal.
The Christian dispensation, therefore, as the new and definitive covenant, will never pass away and we now await no further new public revelation before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ (see 1 Tim. 6:14 and Tit. 2:13).
5. "The obedience of faith" (Rom. 13:26; see 1:5; 2 Cor 10:5-6) "is to be given to God who reveals, an obedience by which man commits his whole self freely to God, offering the full submission of intellect and will to God who reveals," (4) and freely assenting to the truth revealed by Him. To make this act of faith, the grace of God and the interior help of the Holy Spirit must precede and assist, moving the heart and turning it to God, opening the eyes of the mind and giving "joy and ease to everyone in assenting to the truth and believing it." (5) To bring about an ever deeper understanding of revelation the same Holy Spirit constantly brings faith to completion by His gifts.
6. Through divine revelation, God chose to show forth and communicate Himself and the eternal decisions of His will regarding the salvation of men. That is to say, He chose to share with them those divine treasures which totally transcend the understanding of the human mind. (6)
As a sacred synod has affirmed, God, the beginning and end of all things, can be known with certainty from created reality by the light of human reason (see Rom. 1:20); but teaches that it is through His revelation that those religious truths which are by their nature accessible to human reason can be known by all men with ease, with solid certitude and with no trace of error, even in this present state of the human race.
Please read and enjoy and praise God.
2. In His goodness and wisdom God chose to reveal Himself and to make known to us the hidden purpose of His will (see Eph. 1:9) by which through Christ, the Word made flesh, man might in the Holy Spirit have access to the Father and come to share in the divine nature (see Eph. 2:18; 2 Peter 1:4). Through this revelation, therefore, the invisible God (see Col. 1;15, 1 Tim. 1:17) out of the abundance of His love speaks to men as friends (see Ex. 33:11; John 15:14-15) and lives among them (see Bar. 3:38), so that He may invite and take them into fellowship with Himself. This plan of revelation is realized by deeds and words having in inner unity: the deeds wrought by God in the history of salvation manifest and confirm the teaching and realities signified by the words, while the words proclaim the deeds and clarify the mystery contained in them. By this revelation then, the deepest truth about God and the salvation of man shines out for our sake in Christ, who is both the mediator and the fullness of all revelation. (2)
3. God, who through the Word creates all things (see John 1:3) and keeps them in existence, gives men an enduring witness to Himself in created realities (see Rom. 1:19-20). Planning to make known the way of heavenly salvation, He went further and from the start manifested Himself to our first parents. Then after their fall His promise of redemption aroused in them the hope of being saved (see Gen. 3:15) and from that time on He ceaselessly kept the human race in His care, to give eternal life to those who perseveringly do good in search of salvation (see Rom. 2:6-7). Then, at the time He had appointed He called Abraham in order to make of him a great nation (see Gen. 12:2). Through the patriarchs, and after them through Moses and the prophets, He taught this people to acknowledge Himself the one living and true God, provident father and just judge, and to wait for the Savior promised by Him, and in this manner prepared the way for the Gospel down through the centuries.
4. Then, after speaking in many and varied ways through the prophets, "now at last in these days God has spoken to us in His Son" (Heb. 1:1-2). For He sent His Son, the eternal Word, who enlightens all men, so that He might dwell among men and tell them of the innermost being of God (see John 1:1-18). Jesus Christ, therefore, the Word made flesh, was sent as "a man to men." (3) He "speaks the words of God" (John 3;34), and completes the work of salvation which His Father gave Him to do (see John 5:36; John 17:4). To see Jesus is to see His Father (John 14:9). For this reason Jesus perfected revelation by fulfilling it through his whole work of making Himself present and manifesting Himself: through His words and deeds, His signs and wonders, but especially through His death and glorious resurrection from the dead and final sending of the Spirit of truth. Moreover He confirmed with divine testimony what revelation proclaimed, that God is with us to free us from the darkness of sin and death, and to raise us up to life eternal.
The Christian dispensation, therefore, as the new and definitive covenant, will never pass away and we now await no further new public revelation before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ (see 1 Tim. 6:14 and Tit. 2:13).
5. "The obedience of faith" (Rom. 13:26; see 1:5; 2 Cor 10:5-6) "is to be given to God who reveals, an obedience by which man commits his whole self freely to God, offering the full submission of intellect and will to God who reveals," (4) and freely assenting to the truth revealed by Him. To make this act of faith, the grace of God and the interior help of the Holy Spirit must precede and assist, moving the heart and turning it to God, opening the eyes of the mind and giving "joy and ease to everyone in assenting to the truth and believing it." (5) To bring about an ever deeper understanding of revelation the same Holy Spirit constantly brings faith to completion by His gifts.
6. Through divine revelation, God chose to show forth and communicate Himself and the eternal decisions of His will regarding the salvation of men. That is to say, He chose to share with them those divine treasures which totally transcend the understanding of the human mind. (6)
As a sacred synod has affirmed, God, the beginning and end of all things, can be known with certainty from created reality by the light of human reason (see Rom. 1:20); but teaches that it is through His revelation that those religious truths which are by their nature accessible to human reason can be known by all men with ease, with solid certitude and with no trace of error, even in this present state of the human race.
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Firey Furnance
The Fiery Furnace
Have you ever been in a fiery furnace, or better are you in a fiery furnace in the present time, if you are in the fire right now there is a way that you can get out, and not be burned or even be smoked on. The book of Daniel chapter 3-verse 20 has the answer for you. All you have to do is ask Jesus to get in there with you and you will come out of there and be smelling like a beautiful rose.
20 And he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace.
It does not make what fire you are experiencing, because Jesus has been thru all of them and can and will pull you out and have you smelling like the tradional rose bud that you desire, I know because I have been thru the hottest fires that Satan could ever build and now I smell like a beautiful rose growing on top of the highest mountain in Georgia. I may have exacteracted a little bit by describing my self as a beautiful rose, but you will have to come here and see for your self.
If you have a fire blazing in your life, please call on the name of Jesus because he can put it out for you. Jesus is the way to heaven, and there is no other way, but thru Jesus Christ.
May I ask every one that reads my little statements, that they will pray every day that God will heal our nation. ---John
Have you ever been in a fiery furnace, or better are you in a fiery furnace in the present time, if you are in the fire right now there is a way that you can get out, and not be burned or even be smoked on. The book of Daniel chapter 3-verse 20 has the answer for you. All you have to do is ask Jesus to get in there with you and you will come out of there and be smelling like a beautiful rose.
20 And he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace.
It does not make what fire you are experiencing, because Jesus has been thru all of them and can and will pull you out and have you smelling like the tradional rose bud that you desire, I know because I have been thru the hottest fires that Satan could ever build and now I smell like a beautiful rose growing on top of the highest mountain in Georgia. I may have exacteracted a little bit by describing my self as a beautiful rose, but you will have to come here and see for your self.
If you have a fire blazing in your life, please call on the name of Jesus because he can put it out for you. Jesus is the way to heaven, and there is no other way, but thru Jesus Christ.
May I ask every one that reads my little statements, that they will pray every day that God will heal our nation. ---John
A Statement Of Fact
A Statement Of Fact
God Bless America, in God we trust, what a privilege it is to live in America, what a privilege it is to live in a retirement home and assisted living facility in Rome Georgia, named Renaissance. I came here in October 2004, to see if I could change my life style of living with other people, I came here on the insistence and persuading of my children, they believed and realize that I had a few adversities that it was getting unsafe for me to live by my self. I came here with the plan and intention to try it for three months and see if I could adjust to another style of living. After living here for the three months I came to the conclusion that with the help of God that I could be content and happy anywhere, if I walked with my savior Jesus Christ.
I found the people living here to be so genteel in nature, so kind, so loving; I just fell in love with them. Now that I have lived here for nearly six years I call it home. I hereby encourage people that may read this statement that is in retirement status and has a few adversities and feel that it is time for them to seek a retirement home, I highly recommend you to check out the Renaissance facility for your retirement home.
JOHN D Davidson
God Bless America, in God we trust, what a privilege it is to live in America, what a privilege it is to live in a retirement home and assisted living facility in Rome Georgia, named Renaissance. I came here in October 2004, to see if I could change my life style of living with other people, I came here on the insistence and persuading of my children, they believed and realize that I had a few adversities that it was getting unsafe for me to live by my self. I came here with the plan and intention to try it for three months and see if I could adjust to another style of living. After living here for the three months I came to the conclusion that with the help of God that I could be content and happy anywhere, if I walked with my savior Jesus Christ.
I found the people living here to be so genteel in nature, so kind, so loving; I just fell in love with them. Now that I have lived here for nearly six years I call it home. I hereby encourage people that may read this statement that is in retirement status and has a few adversities and feel that it is time for them to seek a retirement home, I highly recommend you to check out the Renaissance facility for your retirement home.
JOHN D Davidson
Page Tw0 Statement Of The Cross
Page two statement of the Cross-.
As I sat here tonight and thinking about what am I going to write about? Well as I reminisce about my article yesterday about the cross and I received many responding emails telling me they enjoyed my article and to keep sharing with them and that encouraged me to keep sharing with family and friends and neighbors and if I have any enemies they can read them as well. There is about 100 occupants living here and ever since I have been here for the last five years and 10 months I have been sharing devotions taken from my computer and some of my written scribbling there as well, and many tell me they have read them. I have a space on the magazine rack to place them.
I do not worship the old wooden rugged cross but I love it, I respect it, I honor it, because that is where my savior Jesus Christ died for me. I remember talking with my pastor brother Joe one time after he had preached about the cross and I remarked to him that I thought that ever sermon should have the cross-mentioned at least five times in every sermon. The cross is one of my communions, just like the bread and wines the remembrance of my savior. Many of my friends of Goodwater may remember that Speck Sprayberry and my self built three large crosses and with the help of William Harrell and bro Joe we planted them in front of Baptist church.
Some may remember that I made many crosses and gave them to my friends. I also had A 10 ft cross in my front yard and I used to tell people if you need to find my home just look for the cross in my yard. A little funny story of the cross in my front yard after I begin to need a little help in mowing my big yard and I had a black man helping me to mow. Any way as I was sitting out in the shade of the large sweet- gum tree, just watching and admiring his work and I thought that he was taking particular pains to mow around the cross with the running lawn mower, I motioned to him and called him over to me and I told him that I noticed that you were very careful not to damage my cross, and I ask him what was his thoughts as he was mowing around the cross and he stated that he did not have any thoughts that he was just trying to do a good job. I then ask him did he realize that was the cross he was mowing around and he said that he was just doing his work. I then ask him now that you know that was a cross what comes to your mind and he hesitated a little and said I don’t know I guess the Ku-cluck clan.
I then spent the next forty five minutes telling him the story of the cross and Jesus and I do not know if it soaked in to his ignorant mind, but this simple minded person did the best he could of telling him the story of the cross and Jesus and if there is any one who is ignorant about the cross or Jesus this simple minded person will be glad to tell it to you. I wonder how many people see the cross and just thanks about the KU-Cluck Clan, instead of Jesus Christ.
God help us.
IN GOD WE TRUST---John Davidson
As I sat here tonight and thinking about what am I going to write about? Well as I reminisce about my article yesterday about the cross and I received many responding emails telling me they enjoyed my article and to keep sharing with them and that encouraged me to keep sharing with family and friends and neighbors and if I have any enemies they can read them as well. There is about 100 occupants living here and ever since I have been here for the last five years and 10 months I have been sharing devotions taken from my computer and some of my written scribbling there as well, and many tell me they have read them. I have a space on the magazine rack to place them.
I do not worship the old wooden rugged cross but I love it, I respect it, I honor it, because that is where my savior Jesus Christ died for me. I remember talking with my pastor brother Joe one time after he had preached about the cross and I remarked to him that I thought that ever sermon should have the cross-mentioned at least five times in every sermon. The cross is one of my communions, just like the bread and wines the remembrance of my savior. Many of my friends of Goodwater may remember that Speck Sprayberry and my self built three large crosses and with the help of William Harrell and bro Joe we planted them in front of Baptist church.
Some may remember that I made many crosses and gave them to my friends. I also had A 10 ft cross in my front yard and I used to tell people if you need to find my home just look for the cross in my yard. A little funny story of the cross in my front yard after I begin to need a little help in mowing my big yard and I had a black man helping me to mow. Any way as I was sitting out in the shade of the large sweet- gum tree, just watching and admiring his work and I thought that he was taking particular pains to mow around the cross with the running lawn mower, I motioned to him and called him over to me and I told him that I noticed that you were very careful not to damage my cross, and I ask him what was his thoughts as he was mowing around the cross and he stated that he did not have any thoughts that he was just trying to do a good job. I then ask him did he realize that was the cross he was mowing around and he said that he was just doing his work. I then ask him now that you know that was a cross what comes to your mind and he hesitated a little and said I don’t know I guess the Ku-cluck clan.
I then spent the next forty five minutes telling him the story of the cross and Jesus and I do not know if it soaked in to his ignorant mind, but this simple minded person did the best he could of telling him the story of the cross and Jesus and if there is any one who is ignorant about the cross or Jesus this simple minded person will be glad to tell it to you. I wonder how many people see the cross and just thanks about the KU-Cluck Clan, instead of Jesus Christ.
God help us.
IN GOD WE TRUST---John Davidson
At The Cross
At the cross, at the cross, how long has it been since you been to the cross, what did you see there, did you see Jesus there, was he hanging on the old rugged cross, was he bleeding, was there blood and water flowing from his side where they pierced his side with a spear, did he have a crown of thorns on his head where they shoved a crown on his head causing his head to bleed, was there large nails showing on both hand and feet and all bleeding where they nailed him too the cross, what did you thank about as you gassed up on him hanging there bleeding there for you.
Did you get down on your knees and tell him thank you dear Jesus that you took my place there, I did. I know that it should have been me hanging there instead you. I know that he loved me so much that he was willing to sacrifice his life so that I could have hope for eternal life in heaven. Did you walk up to the cross and put your hands up on the cross and look up to Jesus and tell him dear Jesus, I am so sorry, I am just another old sinner, I hereby fall to my knees and tell you that I hereby confess all my sins to you and ask you dear Jesus please forgive me for my sins, I will remember you and this day ever day for the rest of my life, remembering what you did for me, how much you loved me. I accept you being my savior, my redeemer; I will praise your name to everyone that will listen.
I frequently almost constantly visit the cross every night or day you see I keep several wooden crosses displayed around in my apartment to help remind me the Jesus died for me. I have one sitting on top of my television another one on top of my computer. I spend the most of my time sitting in front the computer or television ever day, I see these crosses almost constantly and that reminds me of Jesus, and that frequently that prompts me to say a little prayer all thru the day. Some may call me a fanatic and maybe I am, I do not know what a fanatic is, if worshiping God is a fanatic then I am a full-blown fanatic. Have a good day.
John Davidson
P/S—I may be imposing on your freedom by sending you some of my emails scribbling I sure do not want to do that, I do like to share some of my scribbling, so if you will email me and tell me not to send you any more then I will remove your name from my address book.
Did you get down on your knees and tell him thank you dear Jesus that you took my place there, I did. I know that it should have been me hanging there instead you. I know that he loved me so much that he was willing to sacrifice his life so that I could have hope for eternal life in heaven. Did you walk up to the cross and put your hands up on the cross and look up to Jesus and tell him dear Jesus, I am so sorry, I am just another old sinner, I hereby fall to my knees and tell you that I hereby confess all my sins to you and ask you dear Jesus please forgive me for my sins, I will remember you and this day ever day for the rest of my life, remembering what you did for me, how much you loved me. I accept you being my savior, my redeemer; I will praise your name to everyone that will listen.
I frequently almost constantly visit the cross every night or day you see I keep several wooden crosses displayed around in my apartment to help remind me the Jesus died for me. I have one sitting on top of my television another one on top of my computer. I spend the most of my time sitting in front the computer or television ever day, I see these crosses almost constantly and that reminds me of Jesus, and that frequently that prompts me to say a little prayer all thru the day. Some may call me a fanatic and maybe I am, I do not know what a fanatic is, if worshiping God is a fanatic then I am a full-blown fanatic. Have a good day.
John Davidson
P/S—I may be imposing on your freedom by sending you some of my emails scribbling I sure do not want to do that, I do like to share some of my scribbling, so if you will email me and tell me not to send you any more then I will remove your name from my address book.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Fiery Furnance
The Fiery Furnace
Have you ever been in a fiery furnace, or better are you in a fiery furnace in the present time, if you are in the fire right now there is a way that you can get out, and not be burned or even be smoked on. The book of Daniel chapter 3-verse 20 has the answer for you. All you have to do is ask Jesus to get in there with you and you will come out of there and be smelling like a beautiful rose.
20 And he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace.
It does not make what fire you are experiencing, because Jesus has been thru all of them and can and will pull you out and have you smelling like the tradional rose bud that you desire, I know because I have been thru the hottest fires that Satan could ever build and now I smell like a beautiful rose growing on top of the highest mountain in Georgia. I may have exacteracted a little bit by describing my self as a beautiful rose, but you will have to come here and see for your self.
If you have a fire blazing in your life, please call on the name of Jesus because he can put it out for you. Jesus is the way to heaven, and there is no other way, but thru Jesus Christ.
May I ask every one that reads my little statements, that they will pray every day that God will heal our nation. ---John
Have you ever been in a fiery furnace, or better are you in a fiery furnace in the present time, if you are in the fire right now there is a way that you can get out, and not be burned or even be smoked on. The book of Daniel chapter 3-verse 20 has the answer for you. All you have to do is ask Jesus to get in there with you and you will come out of there and be smelling like a beautiful rose.
20 And he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace.
It does not make what fire you are experiencing, because Jesus has been thru all of them and can and will pull you out and have you smelling like the tradional rose bud that you desire, I know because I have been thru the hottest fires that Satan could ever build and now I smell like a beautiful rose growing on top of the highest mountain in Georgia. I may have exacteracted a little bit by describing my self as a beautiful rose, but you will have to come here and see for your self.
If you have a fire blazing in your life, please call on the name of Jesus because he can put it out for you. Jesus is the way to heaven, and there is no other way, but thru Jesus Christ.
May I ask every one that reads my little statements, that they will pray every day that God will heal our nation. ---John
Monday, July 12, 2010
Letter to my pastor
To My Pastor
I have a feeling to share my prayer with you this evening. I pray for you and your family frequently. I want say that I continue you in my prayer every day, but I do pray for you often. I would like to ask you to pray for me and lift my name to God and ask him to bless me and watch over me and protect me. I believe you have already prayed for me; but if you haven’t, I am asking you now to pray for me. I am asking you to pray to God, that he will save my eyesight.
I have the eye disease called macular degeneration and it has recently gotten worse. I have suffered several adversities over the years but God has given me the grace to endure them. This is troubling me severely. I have prayed very hard to God that he will let me retain my eyesight. I have ask him to let me keep my sight so that I can read and study his word. Within the past years I have become so hungry for his word. I thirst to learn more about Jesus.
My special past time now is reading and studying the bible and learning about God and Jesus. I cannot imagine what life will be like not being able to see. I believe God will answer my prayer. I am a great believer of miracles. I believe that I have been a miracle child of God ever since my birth, only weighing about two pounds. I will appreciate your prayers for me. I will continue to pray for you and your family. I am praying for our church, our town, and our community. I am praying for all the programs that are being carried on in our church. I pray for the workers and leaders. I pray especially for the witnessing program, the tape ministry. I pray for our coming bible school. I pray we will have a revival in October in Goodwater. I pray this prayer in the name of our Savior Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN AMEN
John L. Davidson
This is a prayer that I sent to you many moons before. Probably back in 2003, but I can’t remember when. I still remember you and your family and the church family. I continue to pray for all you frequently. I enjoyed talking with you the other week, when I was down checking on my home. Tell all I said Hi.
This is July 10, 2010, I just come across this old prayer and I thought that I would update it, I do not thank that a prayer gets out of date, just like the word of God does not get out of date. I have a computer full of old prayers, spiritual documents, and scribbling, I am planning to print them out and put them in to a book of Johns scribbling. By the way thru the grace of God that I can still see well enough with a magnifying glass to write these little scribbling notes. How wonderfully my Lord is blessing me. God Bless AMERICA, pray for our sick nation.
I have a feeling to share my prayer with you this evening. I pray for you and your family frequently. I want say that I continue you in my prayer every day, but I do pray for you often. I would like to ask you to pray for me and lift my name to God and ask him to bless me and watch over me and protect me. I believe you have already prayed for me; but if you haven’t, I am asking you now to pray for me. I am asking you to pray to God, that he will save my eyesight.
I have the eye disease called macular degeneration and it has recently gotten worse. I have suffered several adversities over the years but God has given me the grace to endure them. This is troubling me severely. I have prayed very hard to God that he will let me retain my eyesight. I have ask him to let me keep my sight so that I can read and study his word. Within the past years I have become so hungry for his word. I thirst to learn more about Jesus.
My special past time now is reading and studying the bible and learning about God and Jesus. I cannot imagine what life will be like not being able to see. I believe God will answer my prayer. I am a great believer of miracles. I believe that I have been a miracle child of God ever since my birth, only weighing about two pounds. I will appreciate your prayers for me. I will continue to pray for you and your family. I am praying for our church, our town, and our community. I am praying for all the programs that are being carried on in our church. I pray for the workers and leaders. I pray especially for the witnessing program, the tape ministry. I pray for our coming bible school. I pray we will have a revival in October in Goodwater. I pray this prayer in the name of our Savior Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN AMEN
John L. Davidson
This is a prayer that I sent to you many moons before. Probably back in 2003, but I can’t remember when. I still remember you and your family and the church family. I continue to pray for all you frequently. I enjoyed talking with you the other week, when I was down checking on my home. Tell all I said Hi.
This is July 10, 2010, I just come across this old prayer and I thought that I would update it, I do not thank that a prayer gets out of date, just like the word of God does not get out of date. I have a computer full of old prayers, spiritual documents, and scribbling, I am planning to print them out and put them in to a book of Johns scribbling. By the way thru the grace of God that I can still see well enough with a magnifying glass to write these little scribbling notes. How wonderfully my Lord is blessing me. God Bless AMERICA, pray for our sick nation.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Guarding Angels
Your task of performance and obligations
The first person you see and come in contact I ask you to give that person the biggest smile that you have ever seen, I do not care if it is your wife or your husband your son or your daughter, your brother or your sister or a complete stranger or even if it is your boss. I want you to say to them have a wonderful day, may God bless you. I do not thank that should not offend any one.
Next I want you to take at least 3-minutes praying to God for a goods night rest, for all your wonderful blessings, praying that he will watch over and guide you and your family for all your needs. I pray that you will include me in your short prayer, because I will be praying for each of you while you are praying for me. I know that the most of you spend several minutes each ever day any way. This is my little experiment of mine write me a note and tells me if it helped your day any better. John
The first person you see and come in contact I ask you to give that person the biggest smile that you have ever seen, I do not care if it is your wife or your husband your son or your daughter, your brother or your sister or a complete stranger or even if it is your boss. I want you to say to them have a wonderful day, may God bless you. I do not thank that should not offend any one.
Next I want you to take at least 3-minutes praying to God for a goods night rest, for all your wonderful blessings, praying that he will watch over and guide you and your family for all your needs. I pray that you will include me in your short prayer, because I will be praying for each of you while you are praying for me. I know that the most of you spend several minutes each ever day any way. This is my little experiment of mine write me a note and tells me if it helped your day any better. John
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Who is in control
Who is in control
Are you in control, Is president Obama in control, Is the congress and the senators in control, Is the weather man in control, is the sinner in control, is the good church people in control, IS Satan in control; I am here to tell you that no person here on earth is in control of the world. God is in control. God is in control of the whole world, he has got the whole world within his hands, and you cannot breath a breath of air without his grace divine permission. It is time for us all to get off of our high horses, and fall down on our knees and recognize that God is in control. It is time for us all to repent of our sins and turn the world back to God.
Our leaders, the atheist, the ACLU, our supreme court, and us all sinners have been trying to fire Jesus of his assigned duties that his father has assignee him to do. I believe that he is about filled up with our sinful ways and about ready to lower the boom on us; you can witness many of his warnings all over the world each day.
All bible scholars should remember how Sodium and Gomorrah was destroyed and remove from the face of the earth, how the great flood remove all mankind from the earth except eight people that walked with God.
It Is time, it is past time that we start walking with god, it is time that we should make a trip to Calvary hill and accept the cross and carry it for Jesus Christ.
The only thing that we have control on is our own actions and our own desires and we need the leadership and advise from our holy spirit to advise us to do that.
Jos 10:12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
Jos 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. [Is] not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a
I am inserting some scriptures for all can know that God is in control of everything in heaven and earth. If we had the faith that Joshua had we could ask God to heal our sick world, he prayed that the sun stop and be still for a day.
1Ki 8:35 When heaven is shut up, and there is no rain, because they have sinned against thee; if they pray toward this place, and confess thy name, and turn from their sin, when thou afflictest them:
1Ki 8:36 Then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the sin of thy servants, and of thy people Israel, that thou teach them the good way wherein they should walk, and give rain upon thy land, which thou hast given to thy people for an inheritance.
I could pull many more scriptures to show that God is in control of heaven and earth, in fact the whole bible reveals that God is in control.
2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.O what a mess we have done of our world by trying to be in control, so let us get on our knees and humble our selves and ask God to heal our land and put Jesus back in our lives and our churches.
1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
O we have an awesome powerful god that loves us even when we sin against him and he is willing and ready to forgive us if we will ask him for his forgiveness, but he expects us to repent of our sins and be obediently to his will.
John Davidson
Saturday, June 5, 2010
My document
This Is My Thought Today Thursday April 29th 2010.
There Is Only One Way To Heaven.
I feel so inferno and untrained to write about this subject, I think that I should let the more knowledgeable and learned people tell these important messages. But I have the great desire to tell it in my simple way the way I understand it and how god reveals it to me. As I have stated before in my assai before it all starts at the cross. If you haven’t gone to the cross then this will not do much for you. I have been studying the chapter 14th of John and it is such an interesting chapter, I highly recommend it to any one that has not studied it before.
Jesus talking to the disciples and talking to all mankind as well and especially to me, don’t let your heart be troubled, believe in god, believe also in me. In the scriptures he is telling us that he is god in flesh here on earth. He is telling us do not be troubled because he has prepared a way for us to have hope for eternal life in heaven. He is also telling us do not let your heart be troubled with wordily problems because he will give us a helper to help us in trying times.
There Is Only One Way To Heaven.
I feel so inferno and untrained to write about this subject, I think that I should let the more knowledgeable and learned people tell these important messages. But I have the great desire to tell it in my simple way the way I understand it and how god reveals it to me. As I have stated before in my assai before it all starts at the cross. If you haven’t gone to the cross then this will not do much for you. I have been studying the chapter 14th of John and it is such an interesting chapter, I highly recommend it to any one that has not studied it before.
Jesus talking to the disciples and talking to all mankind as well and especially to me, don’t let your heart be troubled, believe in god, believe also in me. In the scriptures he is telling us that he is god in flesh here on earth. He is telling us do not be troubled because he has prepared a way for us to have hope for eternal life in heaven. He is also telling us do not let your heart be troubled with wordily problems because he will give us a helper to help us in trying times.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
A pecial prayer for one of friends at Renaissance
This prayer is prayed for Stanley Sutton
Heavenly Father, this prayer is a special prayer for one of my friends here at Renaissance, and his name is Stanley Sutton I ran into him this afternoon as I was walking around the grounds getting my exercise and listening at some wonderful gospel music and just meditation on the life of Jesus and parsing the name of you dear God. I struck up a conversation with Stanley and I let him listen a little bit of my gospel tape and within our conversation I discovered that he was a devout Christian, I also discovered that he had had a stroke as I had. His stroke left him much more afflicted then myself. I know that he has some Constance pain and he uses a wheel chair to get himself around within the premises. I found that he was many years younger then myself.
Dear God none of us can understand why bad things happen to good people, but we know that if we will pray and have faith and trust in you that you will and can heal us, as you have done so many times before. I pray dear God that you will bless my friend and give him amazing grace and heal his body.
I thank you dear God for the many blessings that you have bestowed on me and my family, I am so grateful for them; I love you and appreciate everything that you have done for me.
This prayer is prayed in the name of my savior Jesus Christ. AMEN---John Davidson
Heavenly Father, this prayer is a special prayer for one of my friends here at Renaissance, and his name is Stanley Sutton I ran into him this afternoon as I was walking around the grounds getting my exercise and listening at some wonderful gospel music and just meditation on the life of Jesus and parsing the name of you dear God. I struck up a conversation with Stanley and I let him listen a little bit of my gospel tape and within our conversation I discovered that he was a devout Christian, I also discovered that he had had a stroke as I had. His stroke left him much more afflicted then myself. I know that he has some Constance pain and he uses a wheel chair to get himself around within the premises. I found that he was many years younger then myself.
Dear God none of us can understand why bad things happen to good people, but we know that if we will pray and have faith and trust in you that you will and can heal us, as you have done so many times before. I pray dear God that you will bless my friend and give him amazing grace and heal his body.
I thank you dear God for the many blessings that you have bestowed on me and my family, I am so grateful for them; I love you and appreciate everything that you have done for me.
This prayer is prayed in the name of my savior Jesus Christ. AMEN---John Davidson
Monday, March 8, 2010
my choist for next governer of Alabama
100 Days until the Primaries
We are fast approaching 100 days until the Primary Elections in Alabama. This Friday there will be 100 days left until Alabamians go to the polls and vote. I appreciate all of the hard work and planning that has taken place since I first entered this race for Governor back in June of 2009. Thousands of people have volunteered, contributed, and prayed for our campaign and I am humbled by your efforts. We have a bright future ahead for all of us in Alabama and as your next Governor I am looking forward to working for you as we create a sound and lasting future for all of us.
The challenges are great as we work together to solve Alabama’s current financial problems however, for the first time you have the opportunity to elect a Republican Conservative Governor with a Republican led Senate and Legislature. With the victory in Calhoun County by Republican K.L Brown in House District 40, the momentum is in our court. Congratulations Representative Brown for a hard fought victory.
Keep up the hard work, continue to put out yard signs, hold house parties and fund raisers as we pick up the pace to the June 1st primary.
Thank you and God Bless You!
Judge Roy Moore
February 1, 2010
Great News from Judge Moore about the polls!
This is to express my gratitude to each of you whose hard work has given me a commanding lead in the Governor’s race! It is because of you that a recent ALFA poll shows that we have 42% of the likely Republican voters in the race for Governor, which is a double digit lead over the next closest Republican candidate who has a 17% share. This lead is confirmed by the AEA poll taken in 2009. The bottom line is that we are winning, and this means the people of Alabama are winning because our race is about serving all the people, not the special interest groups. This should encourage us all as we take our campaign to the people to stand for our Constitutional rights, cut taxes and eliminate waste and corruption in government, but we cannot take this lead for granted. Other candidates are raising large amounts of money from special interest groups for advertising which will be very influential in the final weeks of the campaign.
Thank you for standing with me as we take Alabama forward to a new day. Let’s redouble our efforts to work even harder and raise even more money as we face the challenge of other candidates and the special interest groups. Lets win on June 1st !
Thank you,
Judge Roy Moore
We are fast approaching 100 days until the Primary Elections in Alabama. This Friday there will be 100 days left until Alabamians go to the polls and vote. I appreciate all of the hard work and planning that has taken place since I first entered this race for Governor back in June of 2009. Thousands of people have volunteered, contributed, and prayed for our campaign and I am humbled by your efforts. We have a bright future ahead for all of us in Alabama and as your next Governor I am looking forward to working for you as we create a sound and lasting future for all of us.
The challenges are great as we work together to solve Alabama’s current financial problems however, for the first time you have the opportunity to elect a Republican Conservative Governor with a Republican led Senate and Legislature. With the victory in Calhoun County by Republican K.L Brown in House District 40, the momentum is in our court. Congratulations Representative Brown for a hard fought victory.
Keep up the hard work, continue to put out yard signs, hold house parties and fund raisers as we pick up the pace to the June 1st primary.
Thank you and God Bless You!
Judge Roy Moore
February 1, 2010
Great News from Judge Moore about the polls!
This is to express my gratitude to each of you whose hard work has given me a commanding lead in the Governor’s race! It is because of you that a recent ALFA poll shows that we have 42% of the likely Republican voters in the race for Governor, which is a double digit lead over the next closest Republican candidate who has a 17% share. This lead is confirmed by the AEA poll taken in 2009. The bottom line is that we are winning, and this means the people of Alabama are winning because our race is about serving all the people, not the special interest groups. This should encourage us all as we take our campaign to the people to stand for our Constitutional rights, cut taxes and eliminate waste and corruption in government, but we cannot take this lead for granted. Other candidates are raising large amounts of money from special interest groups for advertising which will be very influential in the final weeks of the campaign.
Thank you for standing with me as we take Alabama forward to a new day. Let’s redouble our efforts to work even harder and raise even more money as we face the challenge of other candidates and the special interest groups. Lets win on June 1st !
Thank you,
Judge Roy Moore
Thursday, February 25, 2010
My Sanaritan Story
My Samaritan story
This reminds me of the parable as told in the 10 chapter of Luke as Jesus told to the lawyer about the man was going down the road from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They beat the poor man and left him on the road to die. A priest happened to come by but ignored him and past him by. A Levite came by and crossed over to the other side of the road and passed him by. But the good, Samaritan treated him and bandaged his wounds and took him to the inn and paid the innkeeper to take care of him.
This reminds me of an incident when I was in the military. I had an automobile; I believe it was a whippet. I had purchased it from another soldier who was being shipped out for over seas. As I remember I paid him $50.00, for it. I had never heard of an automobile by that name and I have not ever seen another one since. This was probably in the year of 1943 or early 1944. Another soldier friend of mine had been in town, which was Gainesville Texas. As we were going back to camp, which was Camp Howze, Texas when we came up on an automobile accident. I do not remember much of the details about the accident but I remember that there were two elderly civilians a man and his wife were bleeding quiet a bit. They were semi consentience. There was very little traffic on the road then and there were not any other vehicles there. I did not know where the civilian hospital was located. There were several soldiers there but no civilians there. It seems that they had run into a bus full of soldiers. I asked my friend and some of the other soldiers to help me load the injured couples into my car. I told my friend that we were going to take them to the military hospital. He advised me not to do that. We both knew that we were not supposed to do that. I told him that they were going to have medical attention very soon or they were not going to make it.
He and I were both medical technicians at the hospital and we knew they had emergency crews on call for emergencies. We carried them to the emergency room and my major was the doctor was the officer on duty that night. He chewed me out very much, and told me that I could be court marshaled for bringing civilians to the Army hospitals. He told me that would cost the government several hundred dollars to pull all these doctors and men and nurses to work in the operating room. I told him that I was very sorry about doing that, but I did not know what to do. I told him that I did not know where the civilian hospital was located, and I believed that they were going to have medical attention very soon. He told me that it would be very expensive use the operation room and all the medical supplies. And they would have to stay in the hospital for a long time. My friend and I both stayed on with the emergency crew and worked with them. The man was admitted in the hospital in my orthopedic department until he was well enough to be transferred to the civilian hospital. The woman was admitted to the nurse’s hospital department until she could be transferred to civilian hospital.
My major told me again that night that was a dumb thing that you did. But I knew that he was not going to recommend me be court marshaled or recommend me for punishment. He told me a few days after that incident. He told me that we probably saved the lives of these two people, by getting them to the hospital as soon as we did. I told him then if we saved their lives, then that was what we wanted to do by bringing them to the military hospital. I told him that I knew that we were not suppose to bring civilian people to the Army hospital but I knew they were not going to live unless they got medical attention very soon, I knew that I could be court marshaled, but I had to take a chance on doing it, so if I had gotten court marshaled then it would have been the effort and expense was worth what we did.
This reminds me of the parable as told in the 10 chapter of Luke as Jesus told to the lawyer about the man was going down the road from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They beat the poor man and left him on the road to die. A priest happened to come by but ignored him and past him by. A Levite came by and crossed over to the other side of the road and passed him by. But the good, Samaritan treated him and bandaged his wounds and took him to the inn and paid the innkeeper to take care of him.
This reminds me of an incident when I was in the military. I had an automobile; I believe it was a whippet. I had purchased it from another soldier who was being shipped out for over seas. As I remember I paid him $50.00, for it. I had never heard of an automobile by that name and I have not ever seen another one since. This was probably in the year of 1943 or early 1944. Another soldier friend of mine had been in town, which was Gainesville Texas. As we were going back to camp, which was Camp Howze, Texas when we came up on an automobile accident. I do not remember much of the details about the accident but I remember that there were two elderly civilians a man and his wife were bleeding quiet a bit. They were semi consentience. There was very little traffic on the road then and there were not any other vehicles there. I did not know where the civilian hospital was located. There were several soldiers there but no civilians there. It seems that they had run into a bus full of soldiers. I asked my friend and some of the other soldiers to help me load the injured couples into my car. I told my friend that we were going to take them to the military hospital. He advised me not to do that. We both knew that we were not supposed to do that. I told him that they were going to have medical attention very soon or they were not going to make it.
He and I were both medical technicians at the hospital and we knew they had emergency crews on call for emergencies. We carried them to the emergency room and my major was the doctor was the officer on duty that night. He chewed me out very much, and told me that I could be court marshaled for bringing civilians to the Army hospitals. He told me that would cost the government several hundred dollars to pull all these doctors and men and nurses to work in the operating room. I told him that I was very sorry about doing that, but I did not know what to do. I told him that I did not know where the civilian hospital was located, and I believed that they were going to have medical attention very soon. He told me that it would be very expensive use the operation room and all the medical supplies. And they would have to stay in the hospital for a long time. My friend and I both stayed on with the emergency crew and worked with them. The man was admitted in the hospital in my orthopedic department until he was well enough to be transferred to the civilian hospital. The woman was admitted to the nurse’s hospital department until she could be transferred to civilian hospital.
My major told me again that night that was a dumb thing that you did. But I knew that he was not going to recommend me be court marshaled or recommend me for punishment. He told me a few days after that incident. He told me that we probably saved the lives of these two people, by getting them to the hospital as soon as we did. I told him then if we saved their lives, then that was what we wanted to do by bringing them to the military hospital. I told him that I knew that we were not suppose to bring civilian people to the Army hospital but I knew they were not going to live unless they got medical attention very soon, I knew that I could be court marshaled, but I had to take a chance on doing it, so if I had gotten court marshaled then it would have been the effort and expense was worth what we did.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Letter From Heaven
My name is St. Peter and I am the gate keeper here in heaven, and my boss is Jesus Christ and he informed me to send an email from heaven to the president of America and all leaders of America and especially the people and asking what is going on in America we are not getting many saints from earth anymore and especially from America, when we used to get so many we had a hard time processing all of them, but now we sit around with nothing to do, but praise our master, but that is ok for us saints, but our master is pretty well fed up about it.
My master who is Jesus Christ approached me the other day and he ask me did you disciples send my holy book to all parts of the world as I instructed you to do when I came here to heaven, and I told him that we made sure that ever nation would have a copy of it thru their forefathers. I told him that these early Americans were good Christian obedient to your word and they set up a government that did pretty good for many years and later they developed a couple parties they called them one democrats and the other republican and they got in to a religion and their GOD became money, and God they left you out and they left most all American out as well. They put in some people they called them supreme court judges, and that worked good for many years until the old original judges died and we replaced them with the same caliber of people as the democrats and republicans they are supposed to interpret the laws that is good for all Americans but they do not care anything about your laws or any thing that is good for Americans they just make new laws that suits the sinners and the ACLU and ignoring you and American people, Master they are trying to leave your name off of their money. Master they are condemning the Ten Commandments that you and Mosses spent forty days chiseling out in stone, Master if I was still living on earth I would slice off many ears, and you would have to refute me again. Master many Americans made much noise and fusing but the ruling of the so-called Supreme Court should have made all Americans to slice off of all the idiots’ ears.
Master You know all of these things, because you know everything, why are you asking me about these things, and because I wanted you to express this to all the leaders of America and all of Americans as well, that I am about fed up with that sinful nation. So send this email to all of the leaders and all of American and all to the whole world because I have many remedies that I can use to change their attitude and tell them to repent and come back in to my fold and worship me. Remind them about what happen to Sodium and Gloomier and remind them about the big flood.
Let me give you an important tip from your old friend ST. Peter because I know my Master and I love him, and he will do exactly what he tells you he will do, and it will be more then slicing off an ear, so shape up before it is to late.
ST. Peter
My master who is Jesus Christ approached me the other day and he ask me did you disciples send my holy book to all parts of the world as I instructed you to do when I came here to heaven, and I told him that we made sure that ever nation would have a copy of it thru their forefathers. I told him that these early Americans were good Christian obedient to your word and they set up a government that did pretty good for many years and later they developed a couple parties they called them one democrats and the other republican and they got in to a religion and their GOD became money, and God they left you out and they left most all American out as well. They put in some people they called them supreme court judges, and that worked good for many years until the old original judges died and we replaced them with the same caliber of people as the democrats and republicans they are supposed to interpret the laws that is good for all Americans but they do not care anything about your laws or any thing that is good for Americans they just make new laws that suits the sinners and the ACLU and ignoring you and American people, Master they are trying to leave your name off of their money. Master they are condemning the Ten Commandments that you and Mosses spent forty days chiseling out in stone, Master if I was still living on earth I would slice off many ears, and you would have to refute me again. Master many Americans made much noise and fusing but the ruling of the so-called Supreme Court should have made all Americans to slice off of all the idiots’ ears.
Master You know all of these things, because you know everything, why are you asking me about these things, and because I wanted you to express this to all the leaders of America and all of Americans as well, that I am about fed up with that sinful nation. So send this email to all of the leaders and all of American and all to the whole world because I have many remedies that I can use to change their attitude and tell them to repent and come back in to my fold and worship me. Remind them about what happen to Sodium and Gloomier and remind them about the big flood.
Let me give you an important tip from your old friend ST. Peter because I know my Master and I love him, and he will do exactly what he tells you he will do, and it will be more then slicing off an ear, so shape up before it is to late.
ST. Peter
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My Statement Of Counterfit
The public is now putting out the new one-dollar coins in circulation. These coins do not have the wording ‘IN GOD WE TRUST” on them, I truly encourage you to refuse and reject these coins if they try to give them to you in making change. Tell them that you want a paper one-dollar bill. I consider a coin that does not have the wording’ IN GOD WE TRUST” on them to be counterfeit.
Enough is enough and this is more then enough, I am mad, I am mad enough to fight.
A concerned Christian:
Enough is enough and this is more then enough, I am mad, I am mad enough to fight.
A concerned Christian:
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Letter To My Renaissance Friends
My name is John Davidson I have been an occupant here at Renaissance facility for three short months. I have come to love many of the occupants, the staff, and the care- givers very much. I told my family and my friends that I was going to come here and live for three months and see if I could adjust to a new phase of living. I prayed long and hard by making my decision to come here and try a new style of living. I had the support and the encouragement of my children all thru this transitions period. I had many doubts for a while that I could not change my life style. But so many people were so kind and friendly it made me feel so welcome. I feel that you have accepted me in to your family.
I spent many hours praying to God that he would lead me and guide me in my decision to come here and give it a trial run. I really believe that he has led and guided me to be here. I still miss home and friends back home in Goodwater, AL. but I will preserve. Now after three and one-half months I believe due to my advanced age and some physical adversities, I believe that this is the best place for me to spend my remaining years here.
I believe that God still has things that I can do to serve him and glorify his name. I do not know what those things are just yet, but I believe that he will reveal them to me in due course. I hope and pray that I can live up to your expectations of me. I love you all very much.
Your renaissance friend-John Davidson
I spent many hours praying to God that he would lead me and guide me in my decision to come here and give it a trial run. I really believe that he has led and guided me to be here. I still miss home and friends back home in Goodwater, AL. but I will preserve. Now after three and one-half months I believe due to my advanced age and some physical adversities, I believe that this is the best place for me to spend my remaining years here.
I believe that God still has things that I can do to serve him and glorify his name. I do not know what those things are just yet, but I believe that he will reveal them to me in due course. I hope and pray that I can live up to your expectations of me. I love you all very much.
Your renaissance friend-John Davidson
Monday, February 8, 2010
How powerful Is My God
Heavenly Father I come to you this morning thru the Holy Spirit in the name of my savior Jesus Christ. I come praising your name and thanking you for another good nights rest. I come acknowledging to you that I am a weak wicked sinner and I am asking for your wonderful grace and forgive me for all my sins and make me whole. I try hard dear God but within my own self I fall so short of you expect of me, I need your help thru your holy spirit to help me to stay on your path that you have designed for me to follow.
Dear God as I sat here meditation on the words that I want to say to you, I find my self trying to find words that I want to blame you for my sinful ways. I know dear God when you created Adam and Eve and placed them in the beautiful garden, they were free of sin but you gave them choice, so they choused to disobey you and sinned. I know dear God that you gave me choice as well and sometime I disobey your will for me and I fall off your heavenly path and sin.
Dear God I sometime get so depressed and desponded unhappy over the way we act and conduct our selves in your wonderful world that you created for us live in and enjoy. I have only lived here in your wonderful world for a short period of time and I have watched it crumbled and deteriorate like a pile of filthy rags. Forgive me dear God, I am no exception, I am right in there with the rest of the hypocrites.
I try to raise my self above the wicked ways but I find myself falling in to the hog mire with the rest if them. I find myself being very critical of others that does not thank as I do. I know that is one of my many sins that I commit every day.
Dear God how powerful that you are, I marvel over your power over every thing that exist in heaven and earth, I know that you are in complete control of every thing that lives and breathes. I know that you can change any thing in heaven and earth that you so desire. Your holy word tells me that you will give that power to me if I would develop my faith as much as a mustard seed. I am trying to develop my faith to that point as a mustard seed. I want to be like you Jesus, but I do not want to receive the power that you have because dear God I am afraid if I had that kind of power I am afraid that I would pick up this wicked world and cup it in my both hands and shake it like a pair of dice and scatter it in to the place that you have developed for unbelievers called hell.
Dear Jesus I believe that you have a great sense of humor and I believe that you get a little thrill and a little smile when you read some of my prayers, I sometimes get a little carried away talking with you, forgive me dear God if I ever say any thing is displeasing to you.
Dear Jesus I just thought about another little statement that I thought might be a little humorous and I wondered if it was a little too much and I mentioned it to my Holy Spirit and he told me go ahead, Jesus loves humors statements.
What my statement of thought was if I could acquire my faith to you as much as a mustard seed that I would pick up the capital in Washington DC, with all the elected officials within it and dump it in the ocean and let it float it to China. Then as I was writing this statement it occurred to me that will not be necessary because in a few short years the China officials will come on over and ask for the keys of the capital anyway.
Dear God I pray that no one will feel offended by what I write unless they will use it to change some of our horrible situation of our country. Heavenly Father how wonderful and how powerful you are there is no one or any thing that can touch the power that you have, there will never be any one or any thing that will ever over power you, thank you dear God, that you are my God.
Thank you dear God for being my God my savior, my Holy Spirit, thank you for your wonderful grace that enable me to write this little letter. Good night dear God, my savior, my Holy Spirit, have a wonderful nights sleep.
John Davidson
Dear God as I sat here meditation on the words that I want to say to you, I find my self trying to find words that I want to blame you for my sinful ways. I know dear God when you created Adam and Eve and placed them in the beautiful garden, they were free of sin but you gave them choice, so they choused to disobey you and sinned. I know dear God that you gave me choice as well and sometime I disobey your will for me and I fall off your heavenly path and sin.
Dear God I sometime get so depressed and desponded unhappy over the way we act and conduct our selves in your wonderful world that you created for us live in and enjoy. I have only lived here in your wonderful world for a short period of time and I have watched it crumbled and deteriorate like a pile of filthy rags. Forgive me dear God, I am no exception, I am right in there with the rest of the hypocrites.
I try to raise my self above the wicked ways but I find myself falling in to the hog mire with the rest if them. I find myself being very critical of others that does not thank as I do. I know that is one of my many sins that I commit every day.
Dear God how powerful that you are, I marvel over your power over every thing that exist in heaven and earth, I know that you are in complete control of every thing that lives and breathes. I know that you can change any thing in heaven and earth that you so desire. Your holy word tells me that you will give that power to me if I would develop my faith as much as a mustard seed. I am trying to develop my faith to that point as a mustard seed. I want to be like you Jesus, but I do not want to receive the power that you have because dear God I am afraid if I had that kind of power I am afraid that I would pick up this wicked world and cup it in my both hands and shake it like a pair of dice and scatter it in to the place that you have developed for unbelievers called hell.
Dear Jesus I believe that you have a great sense of humor and I believe that you get a little thrill and a little smile when you read some of my prayers, I sometimes get a little carried away talking with you, forgive me dear God if I ever say any thing is displeasing to you.
Dear Jesus I just thought about another little statement that I thought might be a little humorous and I wondered if it was a little too much and I mentioned it to my Holy Spirit and he told me go ahead, Jesus loves humors statements.
What my statement of thought was if I could acquire my faith to you as much as a mustard seed that I would pick up the capital in Washington DC, with all the elected officials within it and dump it in the ocean and let it float it to China. Then as I was writing this statement it occurred to me that will not be necessary because in a few short years the China officials will come on over and ask for the keys of the capital anyway.
Dear God I pray that no one will feel offended by what I write unless they will use it to change some of our horrible situation of our country. Heavenly Father how wonderful and how powerful you are there is no one or any thing that can touch the power that you have, there will never be any one or any thing that will ever over power you, thank you dear God, that you are my God.
Thank you dear God for being my God my savior, my Holy Spirit, thank you for your wonderful grace that enable me to write this little letter. Good night dear God, my savior, my Holy Spirit, have a wonderful nights sleep.
John Davidson
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Buckle Down America
Buckle down America, get off your lazy ass, and get with it, the politicians and crooks have sold America to hell. They have been building their mansions in hell, while the Christians have stood by and give them all the material they needed and wanted. We better wake up and come back to the old time religion before God sees us as Sodium and Gomorrah and rains fire and brimstone up on us or create another Noah and let him build another ark.
It appears to me that the Ark may already be well in construction and the rains of brimstone may be falling on the world each day. I am centrality not a prophet but I am smart enough to see the writing on the wall. Well it may not be to late yet, but there will have to be a change in our spiritual attitude and receive Jesus as our savior. Our new President has promised to start a new change in the political Areenia but he will need the guideless of God and the help of all America to put us about on Gods path. We will have to go back to the old time religion to be successful. AMEN
John Davidson
I cannot preach like Peter
I cannot pray like Paul
I just take all my sins to Jesus because he died for us all.
It appears to me that the Ark may already be well in construction and the rains of brimstone may be falling on the world each day. I am centrality not a prophet but I am smart enough to see the writing on the wall. Well it may not be to late yet, but there will have to be a change in our spiritual attitude and receive Jesus as our savior. Our new President has promised to start a new change in the political Areenia but he will need the guideless of God and the help of all America to put us about on Gods path. We will have to go back to the old time religion to be successful. AMEN
John Davidson
I cannot preach like Peter
I cannot pray like Paul
I just take all my sins to Jesus because he died for us all.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
My document-This I Believe
Dear God this is what I believe:
I believe God is the great creator of heaven and earth and everything that lives with in it. I believe God loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son on earth to die for our sins. I believe they crucified my Lord Jesus on that horrible cross. He shed his blood for me that I may have eternal life. I believe they buried him in a tomb and he rose on the third day. I believe that he lived forty days on earth after resurrection. I believe that he ascended up in to the sky and in to heaven. I believe Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God in heaven. I believe that he will come back soon to receive all believers to cone live with him in heaven. I believe that I will be one of the believers that will meet him in the sky. I believe in the trinity, even though the word trinity is not recorded in the bible. There are many scriptures that described the trinity in the bible. I believe that God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are all the same.
I believe that the holy bible is literally true. I believe that God inspired every verse that is recorded in the bible I literally accept Jesus as my Lord and savior. I believe Jesus walked on this earth and preached and taught us how we can be a child of God. I believe that there is a HELL. I believe there is a HEAVEN. I believe that we have to make the choice where we want to go. I know that I am a child of God, and I know that I am going to heaven when I die. Thanks God for you’re wholly word.
John Davidson
I believe God is the great creator of heaven and earth and everything that lives with in it. I believe God loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son on earth to die for our sins. I believe they crucified my Lord Jesus on that horrible cross. He shed his blood for me that I may have eternal life. I believe they buried him in a tomb and he rose on the third day. I believe that he lived forty days on earth after resurrection. I believe that he ascended up in to the sky and in to heaven. I believe Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God in heaven. I believe that he will come back soon to receive all believers to cone live with him in heaven. I believe that I will be one of the believers that will meet him in the sky. I believe in the trinity, even though the word trinity is not recorded in the bible. There are many scriptures that described the trinity in the bible. I believe that God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are all the same.
I believe that the holy bible is literally true. I believe that God inspired every verse that is recorded in the bible I literally accept Jesus as my Lord and savior. I believe Jesus walked on this earth and preached and taught us how we can be a child of God. I believe that there is a HELL. I believe there is a HEAVEN. I believe that we have to make the choice where we want to go. I know that I am a child of God, and I know that I am going to heaven when I die. Thanks God for you’re wholly word.
John Davidson
Thursday, January 28, 2010
My document of Motives
Heavenly Father my computer devotional this morning was about our motives and it caused me to exanimate my self and ask my self why do I do what I do. Is it because I want to please God, Is it because I think he expects it of me, is it because it makes me feel good, is it because I want to show my self off and show my expertise and strength, do I try to be a Christian example before others?
Dear God in my final analysis I have come to the conclusion that most of all of the above is true. I certainly do want to please God in everything that I do, but I find my self-doing some of it according to my only will instead of his will for me. Dear God forgive me for being disobediently from your will for me, I frequently talk and consult the Holy Spirit for guidance and advise me and give me directions on what and how I do things.
I know Dear Jesus that you want me to tell others about the good news, how to be saved, how to love you and trust you and minister to people that do not know you. I do a little but it is so very little, sometime I thank that I am cable of doing so very much more.
Dear Jesus Yes it does make me feel good inside and we let the sinful pride get in to our heart and mind and soul and we want to be recognized and be looked up as it was our effort, when it should have been the praise to you dear Jesus. There is nothing that I can do without the blessings from you. I do want to be an example of a devout Christian before everyone that I come in contact with. Dear God I feel so insufficient of what you expect of me, I fall so short of what I would like to be in serving you better. But dear Jesus I am still learning and working to be like you. I read your good book ever day from morning to evening, so I will be there when the roll is called over yonder I will be there.
This prayer is written under the direction of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ my savior.
John Davidson
Heavenly Father my computer devotional this morning was about our motives and it caused me to exanimate my self and ask my self why do I do what I do. Is it because I want to please God, Is it because I think he expects it of me, is it because it makes me feel good, is it because I want to show my self off and show my expertise and strength, do I try to be a Christian example before others?
Dear God in my final analysis I have come to the conclusion that most of all of the above is true. I certainly do want to please God in everything that I do, but I find my self-doing some of it according to my only will instead of his will for me. Dear God forgive me for being disobediently from your will for me, I frequently talk and consult the Holy Spirit for guidance and advise me and give me directions on what and how I do things.
I know Dear Jesus that you want me to tell others about the good news, how to be saved, how to love you and trust you and minister to people that do not know you. I do a little but it is so very little, sometime I thank that I am cable of doing so very much more.
Dear Jesus Yes it does make me feel good inside and we let the sinful pride get in to our heart and mind and soul and we want to be recognized and be looked up as it was our effort, when it should have been the praise to you dear Jesus. There is nothing that I can do without the blessings from you. I do want to be an example of a devout Christian before everyone that I come in contact with. Dear God I feel so insufficient of what you expect of me, I fall so short of what I would like to be in serving you better. But dear Jesus I am still learning and working to be like you. I read your good book ever day from morning to evening, so I will be there when the roll is called over yonder I will be there.
This prayer is written under the direction of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ my savior.
John Davidson
Thursday, January 21, 2010
My Christmas Story For 2009
Heavenly Father I come to you this Christmas, I come telling you how much I love you and how I praise your name, you have blessed my family and me so wonderfully this year. This is a time that we should take time and inventory and analysis ourselves and see how obediently we have been to you and your will for us. Dear God I am afraid dear God that I have been negligent that I have fallen very short for what you expect of me this year, I apologize and ask you to forgive me, and I will strive to improve next year.
Heavenly Father I want to please you in ever way, I want to be obedient to your every will and command, but I am so weak in my faith to you, I just stumble and fall. Dear Jesus I have grown tremendously in faith to you this year just as I have for the past thirty years, but I still have a long way to be where I want to be, I want to be just like you dear Jesus, I want to live with you in Heaven for eternity.
I am just a poor sinner that is striving to be obedient to your will for me, and there is so much temptation in this old wicked world and sometime it overtakes me and that is a reason that I need a savior like you to lead and guide me and forgive me of all my sins. Thank you Jesus that you give me the Holy Ghost as a helper that dwells in my heart mind and soul that’s leads and guides me every day.
This is the season and the time that we celebrate the birth of my savior Jesus Christ. This is the date December 25th. Has been designated as birthday of Jesus Christ, but my bible does not reveal to me what date he was born. It doe’s not matter to me and I have celebrated it for eighty-seven years and I will continue to celebrate it as long as I live. Infect I celebrate the birth of Jesus every day and all thru the day and especially in my nightly prayer.
I do not decorate trees every day like I do for the designated day of December 25th. But I talk to you dear God to you Jesus and the Holy Spirit in my room and especially when I sit under my shade tree listening to some wonderful gospel songs. What a blessings it is to talk with you listening some good gospel words being said in the songs, and gazing up in the beautiful sky and wondering dear Jesus when you are coming back to get me. It doesn’t get any better then that.
What is important to me is that he was born and he is my lord savior. I do not know why or how giving gifts at Christmas originated, I guess it is because some wise men brought gifts to Jesus after his birth, I think that is a good example to remember the birth of Jesus. I think it is a wonderful gesture that we give gifts to our family members our friends and neighbors to express our love and compassion to them, but not because we feel obligated so, not because someone gave you one before, do it for love and compassion to them, I believe that Jesus would be more pleased if we would give inexpensive less costly gifts, we can not buy our friendship, the same as we can not buy our Christianity. Love is a free gift, Jesus gives us his love and he will give you Christianity if you will ask him for it.
Giving and sending Christmas cards is the same way for me, I thank that is a wonderful gesture but the Government has now made it so expensive it takes away the love and joy; I wonder what Jesus would say about that. Thank God for our computers because we can send Christmas greetings on our computers this year, I don’t know if the Government will take that freedom from us another year.
I enjoy it when we celebrate Christmas by decorate trees and buying inexpensive gifts for family members and put them under the tree and the birth of Jesus is in our minds and thoughts. Now I enjoy a pretty decorated tree with all the ornaments on it and the pretty lights and parsing the birth of Jesus, but don’t do it to try to over shine your friends and neighbors. My bible does not tell me that Jesus does not want us need to do any of these things to celebrate his birth or his life on earth, or his death, or his restoration.
My bible tells me that Jesus came here from heaven thru the virgin birth and his primary job was to die for our sins, and teach us and show us how we can have eternity life in heaven with him if we will believe in him and obey his commandments.
Now let me be a little bold, as the apostle Paul was very bold talking to his churches, Jesus refuted Peter on occasions, so I John Davidson, still have the freedom to criticizes the ACLU, the GOVERNMENT, every one that does not believe in God, and anyone that does not celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and the SUPREM-COURT that does not have the wisdom to interpret Gods laws, and they are obviously being paid by the ACLU to do what they want them to do for them. For God help us.
May I brag a tiny little bit, I cannot preach like the disciple Peter, and I cannot pray like apostle Paul, I just take my sins to Jesus because he died for us all. Once on time some people were criticizing the great coach Paul Bryant of the University of Alabama for bragging for his football players and he stated to them that bragging is not bragging if it is true. So what I am writing it is all true. The great apostle Paul explained to the Corinthians how he was treated and what he had done in the name of our Lord. So I am not bragging for what little I may have done I did it in the name of my Lord and to please him.
My Testimony
I joined the church in about the year of 1938, when I would have been the age of 16 years of age. It was a country church in a sawmill town and was built and given to us by the owner of the company, and it was no particular denomination, we all called it our church. When we had particular revivals of any denomination most everyone would attend regardless what denomination it was. I joined the Baptist church in a Baptist revival, probably because my Mother and Father was Baptist. My life style did not change very much, I was not considered to be a very bad person before and I already knew who God and Jesus was because our parents read us from the bible. I do not believe that I considered being a born again Christian at that particular time, I believed. I prayed some of time. This was in the depressions years and we seldom had a paid minister most of the time they were paid by a revival by donations from passing around the hat. I still remember it to be the old time religion.
I then went in to the army when I was 20 years old and I still was considered to be a pretty good god lad. Being getting out in to the big wicked world I begin to partake in to all the sins that the world has to offer. I begin to drink like a fish out of water and many other sins that I will not go in to save you of the embracement. After the war was over and I was discharged from the service and I continued to practice my new life style that I had developed while I was in the service. Let me say empathy here that the service or the people that I choose to associated with did not cause me to change my life style and do the things that I did, it was my weakness and my desires to do what I may have done, no one is to blame but myself.
Any way I met a beautiful young lady and it took me about one and half years for me to convince her that I was the person could make her happy and we married September18th in 1948. After being married and as we were thanking about razing a family I decided that it was time for me to change my rowdy ways and come back in to the fold of living for God again and I am sure that my wife could take some of the credit for helping and inspiring me make my decision to change. After marriage we some time went to church but not with any regularity and with no participation or activity in it. We then had our daughter Kay in November 18, in 1949, and then we had our son Rick, in July10, 1953, and our last son Greg was born July 1, 1959, it was in 1956, that we thought that we should get Kay and Rick in Sunday school and we both knew that we should have already been activity and join the church, I then moved my letter to Goodwater Baptist and Helen joined the church at that time as well.
They immediately put me to work as adult secretary and general secretary and I served in that position for twenty-six years and until my wife had become so disabled and I had to take some time off to take care of her I was still active in many functions of the church, but there were a couple years I could not attend regular. My wife spent twenty- six years active teaching and serve as a secretary and serving on many comities.
I served forty-eight years and served in all but two position of the church, I did not teach and I did not preach I served as deacon, trustee, secretary, most ever kind of committees and as chairmen on many of them different years. We both served faithful and carried our children to church thru these years.
All through out my life I have had many trials and tribulations many hurts and disappointments and made many mistakes, but God has stayed by my side and blessed me all thru all my trials and tribulations, he gave me the loving grace to help me endure all my hardship and at the same time and prosper. It was around the year of 1979, or 1980 that I had the feeling that I was a born again Christian; I know that I was a Christian all thru out of the previous years, I believed in the lord Jesus, I knew that he died for my sins, I praised him and his name and tried to obey all his commandments, but I did not have the burning desire to study his word and learn more about him. It made me feel a little embarrassed that I was just playing church that I was not doing every thing that God wanted me to do. I knew that my faith in Jesus was not as it should have been.
It was about that time that god may have been testing my faith in him, now I do not know if God test our faith or not but there was a lot of things that occurred in my life for a long period that I could not understand. My older sister developed throat cancer and died in 1981, our company president had a massive heart attack and died in 1978, and I had been a vice president since the year of 1959 and after his death I was promoted to be executive vice president and my responsibility increase tremendously. My father had passed away in 1965 that was terrible shock to me. I quit smoking in dec.29th 1981 after the death of my sister. In year of 1983 our new president had surgery for three or four by-passes and the total responsibility fell on my shoulders to keep the company going in full speed, and we had several many delinquent orders and many of them were government orders and that required a lot of negations to satisfy them. During while our president was home getting over his operation we suffer a big fire of about half of our fabrication plant costing one half million dollars, it was very fortunate that I had increase fire insurance coverage on all of our buildings and machinery the previous December, so we had adequate insurance to cover most on our lost, but then we had to file with the insurance companies and get started rebuilding the fabrication building and buying the necessary machines to replace the lost machines.
It was about that time I had developed a stomach ulser and the doctor thought I was having heart problem and I thought so as well, I just drank Maalox for a couple years, until another doctor diagnosed and give me a potent medicine and cured it.
In the year of 1979 my wife had a severe auto accident right in front of our home and she suffered a severe laceration on her head and she was given a blood transfusion and we always thought that is how she contacted the disease that killed her in 1985, I will not go in to the details about her illness because all my family knows all the details and I have written about it many times.
While my wife was in the hospital while they were trying to confirm her diagnosis and they had to perform a biopsies
She went down severely and the doctors and my family told me that I would have to put her in a nursing home that I could not take care of her I first refused but finally I decided that I would try it for a while. I knew a nice lardy that had experience that I could hire her to sit with her while she was in the nursing home, but that did not satisfy me this lady was wonderful but I would get up every morning and go to the nursing home and put Helen in the shower and dry her off and put her back in her bed and straighten her sheets and blankets and go get her breakfast and feed her and about the caretaker would come and I would go to my job. I then would come by at noon time and see if she needed any thing the caretaker would usually feed her lunch, I would go back to the office and work until I could leave work I would go stay with her until about 10:00 O’clock and go to my home and sleep if I could sleep, and in the next morning I repeated that same procedure the next day.
After one month I knew that that was going to kill me before she died and I told my family that I am taking her home regardless what any one has to say about it. I told them that that my care taker Jessie Worrell told me that she could find a couple other ladies that I could hire to help with her just to short a long story short these three ladies were three angels that if there ever has been an angel on this side of heaven, I will be indebted to them the rest of my life.
It was in the year of 1983 that I had a call from a neighbor telling me that my brother had had a massive heart attack and was dead that put me down out of my mind, I thought I was going to loose my mind I thought that there is no more that I can endure, and Helen was not in any condition to help me, she was more confused then I was, she could not comprehend what was going on. While Helen and I was waiting at the home of my brothers home and for the funeral, I received a call from my son Rick saying that he was unable to come to the funeral that his wife Linda was in the hospital that she had had a miscarriage and that upset me but I noticed that my wife was not being able to comprehend what was going on that depressed me much.
It was over in the latter part of the year of 1983 or 1984 my sister lived in Florida and she and her husband had retired and they came over to live with us to help take care of my wife and take care of my mother, which lived next door to me and they had been there about a month and my sister was taking my mother for a Sunday afternoon ride and they were returning back to home when they met some motor cycle riders speeding and passing cars in a sharp curve and my sister met these idiots coming on her side of the road and she had to leave the road to keep from killing a couple of them, so they had a terrible accident and almost kill both of them and both of them suffered damage that stayed with them until their death. This accident occurred within two miles from my home but I could not go to the accident because I had to take care of my wife. I remember that it was about two weeks after the accident and the both of them were still in the hospital, and they call me and informed me that if I could possible come to the hospital, if I wanted to see my mother before she died. I remember that I become numb in mind and soul, I remember feeling that it does not make any difference any more what ever happens to me that I will handle it, any way one of my care taker always stayed with me until eight or nine O’clock and I ask her if she could stay until I could go to the hospital and she stated that she would be glad to stay until I returned.
Any way when I arrive to the hospital a nurse came to me and stated that she could not understand it but my mother suddenly changed and had much improved and that she had tried to call me and tell me that she had improved, my mother continued to improve and in a few weeks was discharged from the hospital, and lived another five years and died at age ninety-five years of age. God works in so many mysterious ways doesn’t he, thanks dear God for answered prayers.
I continued to work at my job and I do not believe that my duties suffered thru all of those episodes. My Pastor would frequently come to my office and console me and encourage me and we prayed much together and he was very patient with me and allowed me tell him about my problems and troubles and let me cry to him. He would always tell me to read the book of Job and he would tell me that the Lord will not put any more on you then you can stand. I did read the book of job and I guess that the Lord did not put any more on me then I could stand because I did not die.
That was a ten or twelve year period of my life was the hardest unhappiest, sadist, but I kept my faith in god, in fact I grew much stronger to God in each and ever one of these episode. I felt mad to God when my wife died because I prayed so hard that he would let her live, she was so young, she was only 56-years old when she died.
My bible tells me that there is a purpose for every thing that happens in life, that good will come if we believe in Jesus Christ and God how I believe. I do not believe that I will ever truly understand why bad things happen until I sat down and ask God. It has been 24 years since her death and I still thank of her ever day and miss her very much, but God has blessed me so wonderfully and given me the loving grace to endure and be happy and content in life.
It was in the latter part of the eighties that my life becomes more normal and without many trials and tribulations. It was in the year of 1989 that I spent a semi-year of retirement, to see if I could handle fully retirement. After one year of semiretirement I come to the conclusion that I could handle retirement, and I could really enjoy it. After a period of time I decided that retirement from the corporate world was the best decision I ever made, it gave me time to do the things that made me happy and do the things I enjoyed. During my working years my life consisted of family, company, and church, and I guess that was in pretty well of that order, when it should have been God, church family and then company. I believe that we get our priorities out of the proper order in life sometimes.
I volunteered and served for several activities and programs during my working years and several of them were was more like an obligation because of my position in my company and because people more or less expected me to do so. I was a member of the Lion’s club, Member of the American Legion serving as its commander some time its Adjutant long period of time, we developed a Hatchet Creek Corporation for helping companies to get grants and loans, and I served it as its vice president and its secretary and treasure. I joined Southeastern Lumbermen Manufacturing Association, (SLMA); I served several years as a trustee on our insurance programs. I also serve several years on the city medical board. I serve, as a member of the Pride And Action club that sponsored activities for the town and community, like the fall festival, Christmas parades and other. I constructed a nativity scene down town several years with the help of the Hornsby family Jamie, Freddie, Susan. They awarded me with about ten plats over the years expressing their gratitude for what little that I may have contributed to the town and community. I certainly did not feel worthy to receive such a high honor, but I sure did feel good that they appreciated what little I did for them. I believe it is human nature for one to feel good when other people are appreciative for someone who does things in volunteered basis and in the goodness of their heart. I know that it pleases my savior Jesus Christ.
Since I have been here at Renaissance I have tried to minister to my friends here in my limited ability by planting a little garden for them putting devotional documents for them to read and study. I wrote several documents for them to read and enjoy. I tried hard to be cheerful to them and give them a smile when I approach them in the dinning area and let them know that I care for them, and I pray for them every day. I hope and pray that they can feel the Christian love and my compassion that I have for them.
My Christmas Prayer
Heavenly Father what a privilege it is for me to cry my heart out to you this Christmas and tell you how much that I love you. I give thanks to you that you have blessed my family and me so wonderfully this year. Dear God these are some trying times for so many and it saddens me to know there is so much sin and corrupt in our nation and the whole world. Dear God as I look back over the past year 2009 and as I analysis myself, I find that it has been a fantastic year for me, I have had good health very little discomfort was as happy as I choose to be, you have just blessed me with everything that I needed for my physical needs, you have blessed my eyes that I can still read and study your word, what a blessing that is for me. I pray for my family every day that they are walking with you and that they are being provided with sufficient funds to take care their family needs, I do not know how hard the economy has hurt them finicality. Heavenly Father I have grown stronger this year in many spiritual ways, as I have within the past thirty years, I am not where I want to be in relationship with you, but I am a lot closer that I used to be, so I will try harder to strive and achieve to be like you.
Heavenly Father there are so many people that I would like to raise their name to you tonight and ask you to minister to all their needs and give them peace and joy. Dear God I pray that you will continue to bless my family and me and I love you. I will celebrate the day that has been designated to be your birthday. I have listened to many Christmas songs and some other gospel songs as well, there are many good sermons within a gospel song. I have read several good Christmas stories about your wonderful birth in this Christmas season. This story and prayer was prepared by John and with the help of the Holy Spirit, and in honor of my savior Jesus Christ. ANEN and AMEN
Heavenly Father I want to please you in ever way, I want to be obedient to your every will and command, but I am so weak in my faith to you, I just stumble and fall. Dear Jesus I have grown tremendously in faith to you this year just as I have for the past thirty years, but I still have a long way to be where I want to be, I want to be just like you dear Jesus, I want to live with you in Heaven for eternity.
I am just a poor sinner that is striving to be obedient to your will for me, and there is so much temptation in this old wicked world and sometime it overtakes me and that is a reason that I need a savior like you to lead and guide me and forgive me of all my sins. Thank you Jesus that you give me the Holy Ghost as a helper that dwells in my heart mind and soul that’s leads and guides me every day.
This is the season and the time that we celebrate the birth of my savior Jesus Christ. This is the date December 25th. Has been designated as birthday of Jesus Christ, but my bible does not reveal to me what date he was born. It doe’s not matter to me and I have celebrated it for eighty-seven years and I will continue to celebrate it as long as I live. Infect I celebrate the birth of Jesus every day and all thru the day and especially in my nightly prayer.
I do not decorate trees every day like I do for the designated day of December 25th. But I talk to you dear God to you Jesus and the Holy Spirit in my room and especially when I sit under my shade tree listening to some wonderful gospel songs. What a blessings it is to talk with you listening some good gospel words being said in the songs, and gazing up in the beautiful sky and wondering dear Jesus when you are coming back to get me. It doesn’t get any better then that.
What is important to me is that he was born and he is my lord savior. I do not know why or how giving gifts at Christmas originated, I guess it is because some wise men brought gifts to Jesus after his birth, I think that is a good example to remember the birth of Jesus. I think it is a wonderful gesture that we give gifts to our family members our friends and neighbors to express our love and compassion to them, but not because we feel obligated so, not because someone gave you one before, do it for love and compassion to them, I believe that Jesus would be more pleased if we would give inexpensive less costly gifts, we can not buy our friendship, the same as we can not buy our Christianity. Love is a free gift, Jesus gives us his love and he will give you Christianity if you will ask him for it.
Giving and sending Christmas cards is the same way for me, I thank that is a wonderful gesture but the Government has now made it so expensive it takes away the love and joy; I wonder what Jesus would say about that. Thank God for our computers because we can send Christmas greetings on our computers this year, I don’t know if the Government will take that freedom from us another year.
I enjoy it when we celebrate Christmas by decorate trees and buying inexpensive gifts for family members and put them under the tree and the birth of Jesus is in our minds and thoughts. Now I enjoy a pretty decorated tree with all the ornaments on it and the pretty lights and parsing the birth of Jesus, but don’t do it to try to over shine your friends and neighbors. My bible does not tell me that Jesus does not want us need to do any of these things to celebrate his birth or his life on earth, or his death, or his restoration.
My bible tells me that Jesus came here from heaven thru the virgin birth and his primary job was to die for our sins, and teach us and show us how we can have eternity life in heaven with him if we will believe in him and obey his commandments.
Now let me be a little bold, as the apostle Paul was very bold talking to his churches, Jesus refuted Peter on occasions, so I John Davidson, still have the freedom to criticizes the ACLU, the GOVERNMENT, every one that does not believe in God, and anyone that does not celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and the SUPREM-COURT that does not have the wisdom to interpret Gods laws, and they are obviously being paid by the ACLU to do what they want them to do for them. For God help us.
May I brag a tiny little bit, I cannot preach like the disciple Peter, and I cannot pray like apostle Paul, I just take my sins to Jesus because he died for us all. Once on time some people were criticizing the great coach Paul Bryant of the University of Alabama for bragging for his football players and he stated to them that bragging is not bragging if it is true. So what I am writing it is all true. The great apostle Paul explained to the Corinthians how he was treated and what he had done in the name of our Lord. So I am not bragging for what little I may have done I did it in the name of my Lord and to please him.
My Testimony
I joined the church in about the year of 1938, when I would have been the age of 16 years of age. It was a country church in a sawmill town and was built and given to us by the owner of the company, and it was no particular denomination, we all called it our church. When we had particular revivals of any denomination most everyone would attend regardless what denomination it was. I joined the Baptist church in a Baptist revival, probably because my Mother and Father was Baptist. My life style did not change very much, I was not considered to be a very bad person before and I already knew who God and Jesus was because our parents read us from the bible. I do not believe that I considered being a born again Christian at that particular time, I believed. I prayed some of time. This was in the depressions years and we seldom had a paid minister most of the time they were paid by a revival by donations from passing around the hat. I still remember it to be the old time religion.
I then went in to the army when I was 20 years old and I still was considered to be a pretty good god lad. Being getting out in to the big wicked world I begin to partake in to all the sins that the world has to offer. I begin to drink like a fish out of water and many other sins that I will not go in to save you of the embracement. After the war was over and I was discharged from the service and I continued to practice my new life style that I had developed while I was in the service. Let me say empathy here that the service or the people that I choose to associated with did not cause me to change my life style and do the things that I did, it was my weakness and my desires to do what I may have done, no one is to blame but myself.
Any way I met a beautiful young lady and it took me about one and half years for me to convince her that I was the person could make her happy and we married September18th in 1948. After being married and as we were thanking about razing a family I decided that it was time for me to change my rowdy ways and come back in to the fold of living for God again and I am sure that my wife could take some of the credit for helping and inspiring me make my decision to change. After marriage we some time went to church but not with any regularity and with no participation or activity in it. We then had our daughter Kay in November 18, in 1949, and then we had our son Rick, in July10, 1953, and our last son Greg was born July 1, 1959, it was in 1956, that we thought that we should get Kay and Rick in Sunday school and we both knew that we should have already been activity and join the church, I then moved my letter to Goodwater Baptist and Helen joined the church at that time as well.
They immediately put me to work as adult secretary and general secretary and I served in that position for twenty-six years and until my wife had become so disabled and I had to take some time off to take care of her I was still active in many functions of the church, but there were a couple years I could not attend regular. My wife spent twenty- six years active teaching and serve as a secretary and serving on many comities.
I served forty-eight years and served in all but two position of the church, I did not teach and I did not preach I served as deacon, trustee, secretary, most ever kind of committees and as chairmen on many of them different years. We both served faithful and carried our children to church thru these years.
All through out my life I have had many trials and tribulations many hurts and disappointments and made many mistakes, but God has stayed by my side and blessed me all thru all my trials and tribulations, he gave me the loving grace to help me endure all my hardship and at the same time and prosper. It was around the year of 1979, or 1980 that I had the feeling that I was a born again Christian; I know that I was a Christian all thru out of the previous years, I believed in the lord Jesus, I knew that he died for my sins, I praised him and his name and tried to obey all his commandments, but I did not have the burning desire to study his word and learn more about him. It made me feel a little embarrassed that I was just playing church that I was not doing every thing that God wanted me to do. I knew that my faith in Jesus was not as it should have been.
It was about that time that god may have been testing my faith in him, now I do not know if God test our faith or not but there was a lot of things that occurred in my life for a long period that I could not understand. My older sister developed throat cancer and died in 1981, our company president had a massive heart attack and died in 1978, and I had been a vice president since the year of 1959 and after his death I was promoted to be executive vice president and my responsibility increase tremendously. My father had passed away in 1965 that was terrible shock to me. I quit smoking in dec.29th 1981 after the death of my sister. In year of 1983 our new president had surgery for three or four by-passes and the total responsibility fell on my shoulders to keep the company going in full speed, and we had several many delinquent orders and many of them were government orders and that required a lot of negations to satisfy them. During while our president was home getting over his operation we suffer a big fire of about half of our fabrication plant costing one half million dollars, it was very fortunate that I had increase fire insurance coverage on all of our buildings and machinery the previous December, so we had adequate insurance to cover most on our lost, but then we had to file with the insurance companies and get started rebuilding the fabrication building and buying the necessary machines to replace the lost machines.
It was about that time I had developed a stomach ulser and the doctor thought I was having heart problem and I thought so as well, I just drank Maalox for a couple years, until another doctor diagnosed and give me a potent medicine and cured it.
In the year of 1979 my wife had a severe auto accident right in front of our home and she suffered a severe laceration on her head and she was given a blood transfusion and we always thought that is how she contacted the disease that killed her in 1985, I will not go in to the details about her illness because all my family knows all the details and I have written about it many times.
While my wife was in the hospital while they were trying to confirm her diagnosis and they had to perform a biopsies
She went down severely and the doctors and my family told me that I would have to put her in a nursing home that I could not take care of her I first refused but finally I decided that I would try it for a while. I knew a nice lardy that had experience that I could hire her to sit with her while she was in the nursing home, but that did not satisfy me this lady was wonderful but I would get up every morning and go to the nursing home and put Helen in the shower and dry her off and put her back in her bed and straighten her sheets and blankets and go get her breakfast and feed her and about the caretaker would come and I would go to my job. I then would come by at noon time and see if she needed any thing the caretaker would usually feed her lunch, I would go back to the office and work until I could leave work I would go stay with her until about 10:00 O’clock and go to my home and sleep if I could sleep, and in the next morning I repeated that same procedure the next day.
After one month I knew that that was going to kill me before she died and I told my family that I am taking her home regardless what any one has to say about it. I told them that that my care taker Jessie Worrell told me that she could find a couple other ladies that I could hire to help with her just to short a long story short these three ladies were three angels that if there ever has been an angel on this side of heaven, I will be indebted to them the rest of my life.
It was in the year of 1983 that I had a call from a neighbor telling me that my brother had had a massive heart attack and was dead that put me down out of my mind, I thought I was going to loose my mind I thought that there is no more that I can endure, and Helen was not in any condition to help me, she was more confused then I was, she could not comprehend what was going on. While Helen and I was waiting at the home of my brothers home and for the funeral, I received a call from my son Rick saying that he was unable to come to the funeral that his wife Linda was in the hospital that she had had a miscarriage and that upset me but I noticed that my wife was not being able to comprehend what was going on that depressed me much.
It was over in the latter part of the year of 1983 or 1984 my sister lived in Florida and she and her husband had retired and they came over to live with us to help take care of my wife and take care of my mother, which lived next door to me and they had been there about a month and my sister was taking my mother for a Sunday afternoon ride and they were returning back to home when they met some motor cycle riders speeding and passing cars in a sharp curve and my sister met these idiots coming on her side of the road and she had to leave the road to keep from killing a couple of them, so they had a terrible accident and almost kill both of them and both of them suffered damage that stayed with them until their death. This accident occurred within two miles from my home but I could not go to the accident because I had to take care of my wife. I remember that it was about two weeks after the accident and the both of them were still in the hospital, and they call me and informed me that if I could possible come to the hospital, if I wanted to see my mother before she died. I remember that I become numb in mind and soul, I remember feeling that it does not make any difference any more what ever happens to me that I will handle it, any way one of my care taker always stayed with me until eight or nine O’clock and I ask her if she could stay until I could go to the hospital and she stated that she would be glad to stay until I returned.
Any way when I arrive to the hospital a nurse came to me and stated that she could not understand it but my mother suddenly changed and had much improved and that she had tried to call me and tell me that she had improved, my mother continued to improve and in a few weeks was discharged from the hospital, and lived another five years and died at age ninety-five years of age. God works in so many mysterious ways doesn’t he, thanks dear God for answered prayers.
I continued to work at my job and I do not believe that my duties suffered thru all of those episodes. My Pastor would frequently come to my office and console me and encourage me and we prayed much together and he was very patient with me and allowed me tell him about my problems and troubles and let me cry to him. He would always tell me to read the book of Job and he would tell me that the Lord will not put any more on you then you can stand. I did read the book of job and I guess that the Lord did not put any more on me then I could stand because I did not die.
That was a ten or twelve year period of my life was the hardest unhappiest, sadist, but I kept my faith in god, in fact I grew much stronger to God in each and ever one of these episode. I felt mad to God when my wife died because I prayed so hard that he would let her live, she was so young, she was only 56-years old when she died.
My bible tells me that there is a purpose for every thing that happens in life, that good will come if we believe in Jesus Christ and God how I believe. I do not believe that I will ever truly understand why bad things happen until I sat down and ask God. It has been 24 years since her death and I still thank of her ever day and miss her very much, but God has blessed me so wonderfully and given me the loving grace to endure and be happy and content in life.
It was in the latter part of the eighties that my life becomes more normal and without many trials and tribulations. It was in the year of 1989 that I spent a semi-year of retirement, to see if I could handle fully retirement. After one year of semiretirement I come to the conclusion that I could handle retirement, and I could really enjoy it. After a period of time I decided that retirement from the corporate world was the best decision I ever made, it gave me time to do the things that made me happy and do the things I enjoyed. During my working years my life consisted of family, company, and church, and I guess that was in pretty well of that order, when it should have been God, church family and then company. I believe that we get our priorities out of the proper order in life sometimes.
I volunteered and served for several activities and programs during my working years and several of them were was more like an obligation because of my position in my company and because people more or less expected me to do so. I was a member of the Lion’s club, Member of the American Legion serving as its commander some time its Adjutant long period of time, we developed a Hatchet Creek Corporation for helping companies to get grants and loans, and I served it as its vice president and its secretary and treasure. I joined Southeastern Lumbermen Manufacturing Association, (SLMA); I served several years as a trustee on our insurance programs. I also serve several years on the city medical board. I serve, as a member of the Pride And Action club that sponsored activities for the town and community, like the fall festival, Christmas parades and other. I constructed a nativity scene down town several years with the help of the Hornsby family Jamie, Freddie, Susan. They awarded me with about ten plats over the years expressing their gratitude for what little that I may have contributed to the town and community. I certainly did not feel worthy to receive such a high honor, but I sure did feel good that they appreciated what little I did for them. I believe it is human nature for one to feel good when other people are appreciative for someone who does things in volunteered basis and in the goodness of their heart. I know that it pleases my savior Jesus Christ.
Since I have been here at Renaissance I have tried to minister to my friends here in my limited ability by planting a little garden for them putting devotional documents for them to read and study. I wrote several documents for them to read and enjoy. I tried hard to be cheerful to them and give them a smile when I approach them in the dinning area and let them know that I care for them, and I pray for them every day. I hope and pray that they can feel the Christian love and my compassion that I have for them.
My Christmas Prayer
Heavenly Father what a privilege it is for me to cry my heart out to you this Christmas and tell you how much that I love you. I give thanks to you that you have blessed my family and me so wonderfully this year. Dear God these are some trying times for so many and it saddens me to know there is so much sin and corrupt in our nation and the whole world. Dear God as I look back over the past year 2009 and as I analysis myself, I find that it has been a fantastic year for me, I have had good health very little discomfort was as happy as I choose to be, you have just blessed me with everything that I needed for my physical needs, you have blessed my eyes that I can still read and study your word, what a blessing that is for me. I pray for my family every day that they are walking with you and that they are being provided with sufficient funds to take care their family needs, I do not know how hard the economy has hurt them finicality. Heavenly Father I have grown stronger this year in many spiritual ways, as I have within the past thirty years, I am not where I want to be in relationship with you, but I am a lot closer that I used to be, so I will try harder to strive and achieve to be like you.
Heavenly Father there are so many people that I would like to raise their name to you tonight and ask you to minister to all their needs and give them peace and joy. Dear God I pray that you will continue to bless my family and me and I love you. I will celebrate the day that has been designated to be your birthday. I have listened to many Christmas songs and some other gospel songs as well, there are many good sermons within a gospel song. I have read several good Christmas stories about your wonderful birth in this Christmas season. This story and prayer was prepared by John and with the help of the Holy Spirit, and in honor of my savior Jesus Christ. ANEN and AMEN
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
My New Years Resolution for year of 2010
My New Years Resolution For –2010
Do you make New Year’s resolutions, I do, I thank that every one should make new resolutions from time to time and strive to change some habits that you know are not good and decent or may even be sinful, and I have many. Over in the last several years I have made some that I really worked hard and strived to improve on them and I did improve on some of them. I would like to share a few of them with you the word “ LOVE” there are so many forms of love and I even wrote a story about the many kind and stages of love that there are none more important then our love for Jesus Christ, and love our neighbor and our family. One year I choose the word “GRACE” I studied about the grace that my lord has given to me I even pull the word grace in the KJV bible and found that the word grace is recorded in 159 verses and I read the most of them.
Many years my word was “FAITH” and that word will be again this year and again for the remaining years that I live here on this earth. I have not completely mastered it as yet but I am a lot closer then I used to be, but I will continue working on it, until I will have enough as a mustard seed, then I believe that my master will say to me well done my good and faithful severant. AMEN
Another year was the word “PRIDE” It has been said that the word pride is the route of all sin, I do not know if that is completely true or not but I know that I have to reframe from it my self because we have the tendencies to try take credit for the little deeds that we are involved in, when the credit should go to our savior, because there is nothing that we can do without the guidelines and direction of God.
Another word is “PATIENTANCE” I have improved over the years but I still have to work on that one each year. Another word is “PERSEVERANCE” that goes along with patience and with my physical adversities my poor vision, my poor hearing difficulties, causes me to learn to do many things in a different way and in a different style. The grace of God has blessed me so wonderfully that he has helped me endure and not be desponded about these little adversities. I praise God that I can see well enough to write on my computer and write my little scribbling that I thornily enjoy. Even thou I have to use a magnifying light to work on the computer, I feel so wonderfully blessed.
For the last several years my daughter and I have discussed and selected the words that we wanted to choose for each New Year. We have chosen the word “ compassion “ for this year 2010. I will now include compassion along with the other words that I have related to in this statement for this year. There were other words or phases or topics that I have worked on in previous years, for instances I quit smoking December in 1981, on a resolution made with my brother, I have decided that it is better to make resolutions with family members or with a close friend where you can be completive with them.
I know that making resolutions and keeping them and working them have improved my character, disposition, my attitude, my spiritual living style, and happiness. May I encourage you to make New Years resolutions and see if they will help you?
Now after all of that I am still a low down sinner I feel that I am just filthy rags, but I am a lot better then I used to be and have a long way to go where I want to be, so I am going to keep on working and striving until my master says to me well done my good faithful servant. Composed by John Davidson
Do you make New Year’s resolutions, I do, I thank that every one should make new resolutions from time to time and strive to change some habits that you know are not good and decent or may even be sinful, and I have many. Over in the last several years I have made some that I really worked hard and strived to improve on them and I did improve on some of them. I would like to share a few of them with you the word “ LOVE” there are so many forms of love and I even wrote a story about the many kind and stages of love that there are none more important then our love for Jesus Christ, and love our neighbor and our family. One year I choose the word “GRACE” I studied about the grace that my lord has given to me I even pull the word grace in the KJV bible and found that the word grace is recorded in 159 verses and I read the most of them.
Many years my word was “FAITH” and that word will be again this year and again for the remaining years that I live here on this earth. I have not completely mastered it as yet but I am a lot closer then I used to be, but I will continue working on it, until I will have enough as a mustard seed, then I believe that my master will say to me well done my good and faithful severant. AMEN
Another year was the word “PRIDE” It has been said that the word pride is the route of all sin, I do not know if that is completely true or not but I know that I have to reframe from it my self because we have the tendencies to try take credit for the little deeds that we are involved in, when the credit should go to our savior, because there is nothing that we can do without the guidelines and direction of God.
Another word is “PATIENTANCE” I have improved over the years but I still have to work on that one each year. Another word is “PERSEVERANCE” that goes along with patience and with my physical adversities my poor vision, my poor hearing difficulties, causes me to learn to do many things in a different way and in a different style. The grace of God has blessed me so wonderfully that he has helped me endure and not be desponded about these little adversities. I praise God that I can see well enough to write on my computer and write my little scribbling that I thornily enjoy. Even thou I have to use a magnifying light to work on the computer, I feel so wonderfully blessed.
For the last several years my daughter and I have discussed and selected the words that we wanted to choose for each New Year. We have chosen the word “ compassion “ for this year 2010. I will now include compassion along with the other words that I have related to in this statement for this year. There were other words or phases or topics that I have worked on in previous years, for instances I quit smoking December in 1981, on a resolution made with my brother, I have decided that it is better to make resolutions with family members or with a close friend where you can be completive with them.
I know that making resolutions and keeping them and working them have improved my character, disposition, my attitude, my spiritual living style, and happiness. May I encourage you to make New Years resolutions and see if they will help you?
Now after all of that I am still a low down sinner I feel that I am just filthy rags, but I am a lot better then I used to be and have a long way to go where I want to be, so I am going to keep on working and striving until my master says to me well done my good faithful servant. Composed by John Davidson
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The Renaissance Dreamer
The Dreamer
I am the Renaissance dreamer.
I am just a country boy that grew up in a sawmill town. This town was located in the large woods. Lots of our joy and entertainment was spent by walking thru the woods.
Have you ever just walked thru the woods along beside a crooked creek in the spring -time and see honey suckle bushes in full blooms and pluck one of the blossom and smell them and taste the sweet flavor. Did you ever cut a boca of the honey-suckle flowers and take them to your Mother and let her put them in your room to make your room smell sweet. Have you ever looked up in to a tall popular tree and see the squirrels jumping thru and fore and playing with each other. Did you ever see the birds flying from tree to tree and hearing them chirping their heart- out? Did you ever find a honey tree in the woods and rob the honey and get strung with many bees for robbing their honey. Did you ever come on to a snake curled in your path, and it scared the devil out of you. Have you ever gathered up a gang of you friends and go swimming in the creek? Have you ever played the game of hockey in an open field using a tin can as a golf ball and broomstick as a putter? Do you know what I am describing to you that we did not have all the paraphernalia that children have this day; we had to create our own tools to make believe. Did you ever line up a long line of children and join hands and all run as fast as we could and some large person at the front end of the line and he would stop and he would pop the whip, and the person on the tail end of the line would be thrown in to the air. Have you ever taken barrel staves and made a little sled and scatter pine straw on a hill and slide down the hill. Have you played the little game throw the rubber ball over the house and there would be a group on either side that would catch the ball as it is thrown over. I could keep on relation many games to you that we used to play and enjoyed. I feel so sorry for you children that did not learn how to use your own imagination and create some things for yourselves.
Have you ever sat out side on a fall day and admire the beauty of the trees with the leaves turning to many colors. What a sight to see? Have you ever thought about who is responsible for all the beauty that we enjoy every day.
Do you just accept the great beauty of earth it as just mother’s nature happening that way? I am here to tell you that it just doesn’t happen that way. We have a wonderful God that created heaven and earth and every living thing on earth. He is the great creator that loves us so much that he created it all for all mankind.
Have you sat in front of the Renaissance building and watch Cliff, as he comes out and call his kitty cats and feed them. It is an amusing sight to watch and hear him talk to his kitty cats. It is amusing thing to watch an elderly man display love and compassion for the little animals.
Have you ever walked thru the woods and find a large patch of hackle berries and sat down and pick a bucket full. Or find a large patch of wild black berries, or find a Muscatine vine, and come across a vine of possum grapes. Have you ever gotten thirsty while strolling thru the woods and come across a beautiful brook and lay down on your belly on the ground and rake the leaves aside and drank from the brook. Have you ever made minnow traps and trapped minnows in the brook. Have you ever helped dam the brook and make a little swimming hole and gotten naked and went swimming in cold water.
Have you ever tried to walk logs in the log pond? Have you ever taken a dare to go swimming in a frozen creek?
As a teenager, have you ever wanted to go fishing in a creek and had to go out and dig earth- worms for bait, and then cut hickory saplings for a fishing pole. Did you ever try making coffee in a tin bucket while on your fishing trip?
Have you sat on one of the benches out side of the Renaissance facility on a clear beautiful day and gaze up in to the elements and meditate about how wonderful it will be when Jesus comes back for all of us believers. Have you ever thought about how wonderfully blessed we are to have a wonderful place to live here at Renaissance in our advanced age. Can you remember how hard it was for most of our parents as they grew to advanced age?
Have you ever laid on a pile of cotton on the porch, in the night and gaze up in to the sky and admire the stars and gaze at a full moon and admire Gods great creation and thank God for his wonderful love that he has for us. Have you ever sat in the sun- shine and felt it’s warm rays on your shoulders and backs. Have you ever sat in the sand on the beach with your feet dangling in the water and gazing across the ocean and spot a boat in a long distance away and wonder who is responsible for us being able to enjoy all of this? Do you know that there is more of God’s creation for you to enjoy. If you have not experienced some of these things, then you have not lived yet. Come walk with me on Gods sacred path and I will tell you about some more of Gods creation for us to enjoy. I would be very happy to talk to you and tell you what God has done for me in my life. Thanks to God that I am a Christian, and I am very proud of it. I enjoy telling others about my lord and savior Jesus Christ.
God is the great creator of heaven and earth and everything that lives there in it. I have mentioned a few of the wonderful things that we can enjoy here on earth, Can you imagine how wonderful Heaven must be, You can witness how beautiful heaven will be if you will live the life that Jesus has planed for us to live. He wants us to love him, trust him, believe in him, accept him as our redeemer; He wants us to know that he died for our sins on the horrible cross, make him Lord in our life. He has paved the road for us to meet him in heaven. I hope to see and meet you in heaven.
John Davidson
I am the Renaissance dreamer.
I am just a country boy that grew up in a sawmill town. This town was located in the large woods. Lots of our joy and entertainment was spent by walking thru the woods.
Have you ever just walked thru the woods along beside a crooked creek in the spring -time and see honey suckle bushes in full blooms and pluck one of the blossom and smell them and taste the sweet flavor. Did you ever cut a boca of the honey-suckle flowers and take them to your Mother and let her put them in your room to make your room smell sweet. Have you ever looked up in to a tall popular tree and see the squirrels jumping thru and fore and playing with each other. Did you ever see the birds flying from tree to tree and hearing them chirping their heart- out? Did you ever find a honey tree in the woods and rob the honey and get strung with many bees for robbing their honey. Did you ever come on to a snake curled in your path, and it scared the devil out of you. Have you ever gathered up a gang of you friends and go swimming in the creek? Have you ever played the game of hockey in an open field using a tin can as a golf ball and broomstick as a putter? Do you know what I am describing to you that we did not have all the paraphernalia that children have this day; we had to create our own tools to make believe. Did you ever line up a long line of children and join hands and all run as fast as we could and some large person at the front end of the line and he would stop and he would pop the whip, and the person on the tail end of the line would be thrown in to the air. Have you ever taken barrel staves and made a little sled and scatter pine straw on a hill and slide down the hill. Have you played the little game throw the rubber ball over the house and there would be a group on either side that would catch the ball as it is thrown over. I could keep on relation many games to you that we used to play and enjoyed. I feel so sorry for you children that did not learn how to use your own imagination and create some things for yourselves.
Have you ever sat out side on a fall day and admire the beauty of the trees with the leaves turning to many colors. What a sight to see? Have you ever thought about who is responsible for all the beauty that we enjoy every day.
Do you just accept the great beauty of earth it as just mother’s nature happening that way? I am here to tell you that it just doesn’t happen that way. We have a wonderful God that created heaven and earth and every living thing on earth. He is the great creator that loves us so much that he created it all for all mankind.
Have you sat in front of the Renaissance building and watch Cliff, as he comes out and call his kitty cats and feed them. It is an amusing sight to watch and hear him talk to his kitty cats. It is amusing thing to watch an elderly man display love and compassion for the little animals.
Have you ever walked thru the woods and find a large patch of hackle berries and sat down and pick a bucket full. Or find a large patch of wild black berries, or find a Muscatine vine, and come across a vine of possum grapes. Have you ever gotten thirsty while strolling thru the woods and come across a beautiful brook and lay down on your belly on the ground and rake the leaves aside and drank from the brook. Have you ever made minnow traps and trapped minnows in the brook. Have you ever helped dam the brook and make a little swimming hole and gotten naked and went swimming in cold water.
Have you ever tried to walk logs in the log pond? Have you ever taken a dare to go swimming in a frozen creek?
As a teenager, have you ever wanted to go fishing in a creek and had to go out and dig earth- worms for bait, and then cut hickory saplings for a fishing pole. Did you ever try making coffee in a tin bucket while on your fishing trip?
Have you sat on one of the benches out side of the Renaissance facility on a clear beautiful day and gaze up in to the elements and meditate about how wonderful it will be when Jesus comes back for all of us believers. Have you ever thought about how wonderfully blessed we are to have a wonderful place to live here at Renaissance in our advanced age. Can you remember how hard it was for most of our parents as they grew to advanced age?
Have you ever laid on a pile of cotton on the porch, in the night and gaze up in to the sky and admire the stars and gaze at a full moon and admire Gods great creation and thank God for his wonderful love that he has for us. Have you ever sat in the sun- shine and felt it’s warm rays on your shoulders and backs. Have you ever sat in the sand on the beach with your feet dangling in the water and gazing across the ocean and spot a boat in a long distance away and wonder who is responsible for us being able to enjoy all of this? Do you know that there is more of God’s creation for you to enjoy. If you have not experienced some of these things, then you have not lived yet. Come walk with me on Gods sacred path and I will tell you about some more of Gods creation for us to enjoy. I would be very happy to talk to you and tell you what God has done for me in my life. Thanks to God that I am a Christian, and I am very proud of it. I enjoy telling others about my lord and savior Jesus Christ.
God is the great creator of heaven and earth and everything that lives there in it. I have mentioned a few of the wonderful things that we can enjoy here on earth, Can you imagine how wonderful Heaven must be, You can witness how beautiful heaven will be if you will live the life that Jesus has planed for us to live. He wants us to love him, trust him, believe in him, accept him as our redeemer; He wants us to know that he died for our sins on the horrible cross, make him Lord in our life. He has paved the road for us to meet him in heaven. I hope to see and meet you in heaven.
John Davidson
Thursday, January 14, 2010
My Mothers Day Prayer--2009
Mothers Day Prayer
May 10, 2009
I woke up this morning thanking about my Mother eveven thou she has been gone to live with our savior in heaven since the year of 1988, when she had attained the age of 95. Today I am celebration the 87th mother’s day celebration and I laied here thinking of my Mother and reminisced over her life. Remembering her loving care that she did for her children and her husband. I know that she had many hard years trying to make every thing good for the whole family. I watched her trying fix and prepare meals and keeping what clothes that we had and she kept them clean, when there was no money to buy food or any new clothes.
She was always the first person to get up every morning and start breakfast and she was always the last person that would retire and go to bed. She never had any breaks or rest periods during the day or night. The depression years lasted for our family for a long period from the year of 1930 until the beginning of world war – 2,
1941. We were able to survive after the wage and hour law put in effect in 1938, it is a little difference between jut surviving then really living.
Our family consisted of six children and my Mother And Dad. I still remember those cold winter days that my mother would spend the biggest part of day of washing our clothes out in the cold weather in tin tubs with no heat. It would require about another day of ironing clothes with a smoothing iron heated from the old cooking wood burning stove.
My mother and Dad were praying Christians and taught us right and wrong and expected us to live according to the golden rule and if we varied away from it they did not hesitate to take us to the wood shed. I believe that I received my share of invitations to the wood shed and I thank God for every one of them because as I grew in to adult hood and married and raised a family. I believe it prepared me with Christian wisdom and with my wife that we raised three beautiful wonderful law abiding children.
Well Mother you will not be able to read my email but I believe that you will know that I am thanking of you this mother’s day today. O what pleasant memories that still have of you every day, O how much I still love you dear Mother. Dear Mother I can Almost hear your prayers that you are still praying for me every day. Your son John
May 10, 2009
I woke up this morning thanking about my Mother eveven thou she has been gone to live with our savior in heaven since the year of 1988, when she had attained the age of 95. Today I am celebration the 87th mother’s day celebration and I laied here thinking of my Mother and reminisced over her life. Remembering her loving care that she did for her children and her husband. I know that she had many hard years trying to make every thing good for the whole family. I watched her trying fix and prepare meals and keeping what clothes that we had and she kept them clean, when there was no money to buy food or any new clothes.
She was always the first person to get up every morning and start breakfast and she was always the last person that would retire and go to bed. She never had any breaks or rest periods during the day or night. The depression years lasted for our family for a long period from the year of 1930 until the beginning of world war – 2,
1941. We were able to survive after the wage and hour law put in effect in 1938, it is a little difference between jut surviving then really living.
Our family consisted of six children and my Mother And Dad. I still remember those cold winter days that my mother would spend the biggest part of day of washing our clothes out in the cold weather in tin tubs with no heat. It would require about another day of ironing clothes with a smoothing iron heated from the old cooking wood burning stove.
My mother and Dad were praying Christians and taught us right and wrong and expected us to live according to the golden rule and if we varied away from it they did not hesitate to take us to the wood shed. I believe that I received my share of invitations to the wood shed and I thank God for every one of them because as I grew in to adult hood and married and raised a family. I believe it prepared me with Christian wisdom and with my wife that we raised three beautiful wonderful law abiding children.
Well Mother you will not be able to read my email but I believe that you will know that I am thanking of you this mother’s day today. O what pleasant memories that still have of you every day, O how much I still love you dear Mother. Dear Mother I can Almost hear your prayers that you are still praying for me every day. Your son John
M Fathers Day Prayer For My Renaissance Friends-2009
My Renaissance Fathers Day Prayer
Greetings to all you Fathers here at Renaissance and I wish you a Happy Fathers Day. May I ask you to take a little time and reminisce over the years and ask your self if I have been a good Father? and I am sure that you all have been a good Father, but if you come up with a negative answer, then I ask you to call your child and tell them that you love them, and make every thing right with them today. If you will do that I believe that you will have the best Fathers day that you have ever had. I have already sent my children an email this morning and telling them that I love them, and wished them a wonderful Fathers day. If some of your children come to see you today, please throw your arms around them and tell them that you love them and their families.
What a privilege it is to be a Father and love your children unconditional and be close with them here on earth especially when we get in to advanced age and living along. Thanks to all you Fathers and Mothers that you are letting me be one member of your family, I love each and every one of you. HAVE A HAPPY FATHERS DAY.
Greetings to all you Fathers here at Renaissance and I wish you a Happy Fathers Day. May I ask you to take a little time and reminisce over the years and ask your self if I have been a good Father? and I am sure that you all have been a good Father, but if you come up with a negative answer, then I ask you to call your child and tell them that you love them, and make every thing right with them today. If you will do that I believe that you will have the best Fathers day that you have ever had. I have already sent my children an email this morning and telling them that I love them, and wished them a wonderful Fathers day. If some of your children come to see you today, please throw your arms around them and tell them that you love them and their families.
What a privilege it is to be a Father and love your children unconditional and be close with them here on earth especially when we get in to advanced age and living along. Thanks to all you Fathers and Mothers that you are letting me be one member of your family, I love each and every one of you. HAVE A HAPPY FATHERS DAY.
My Fathers Day Prayer For My Renaissance friends -2009
Fathers Day Prayer
Heavenly Father, when I start thanking of or about my earthly Father I start thanking of you, because you are my earthly and heavenly father and you will be my eternal father. With out you there would not have been a fleshable father and I would not have been here in the first place. I thank you dear God for being my eternal Father and I thank you for my wonderful earthly Father that you give to me. My earthly Father was mot a large man in size but he had a heart of gold. He was not an educated Father but he had wisdom as a genius, he loved his heavenly Father, and he loved his family and he taught us right from wrong, he displayed his Christianity before the whole world. I know that he installed that wisdom in me that I could pass that Christianity on to my family. I thank you dear God for your wisdom that you have passed on to my family and me.
I am so grateful dear God that I feel that I have been a good Father and I feel that I am passing this knowledge on to my children, and that they will pass that on to their children. Dear God I have made many mistakes, I am certainly not perfect, but I do want to be a good Father, I want to be a good Christian child of yours. I praise your name dear God for letting me being a Father on this earth of yours.
Have a wonderful Fathers Day Children; I love you all very much.--- Your Dad
Heavenly Father, when I start thanking of or about my earthly Father I start thanking of you, because you are my earthly and heavenly father and you will be my eternal father. With out you there would not have been a fleshable father and I would not have been here in the first place. I thank you dear God for being my eternal Father and I thank you for my wonderful earthly Father that you give to me. My earthly Father was mot a large man in size but he had a heart of gold. He was not an educated Father but he had wisdom as a genius, he loved his heavenly Father, and he loved his family and he taught us right from wrong, he displayed his Christianity before the whole world. I know that he installed that wisdom in me that I could pass that Christianity on to my family. I thank you dear God for your wisdom that you have passed on to my family and me.
I am so grateful dear God that I feel that I have been a good Father and I feel that I am passing this knowledge on to my children, and that they will pass that on to their children. Dear God I have made many mistakes, I am certainly not perfect, but I do want to be a good Father, I want to be a good Christian child of yours. I praise your name dear God for letting me being a Father on this earth of yours.
Have a wonderful Fathers Day Children; I love you all very much.--- Your Dad
Fathers Day Prayer For My Children-2009
Fathers Day Prayer
Heavenly Father, when I start thanking of or about my earthly Father I start thanking of you, because you are my earthly and heavenly father and you will be my eternal father. With out you there would not have been a fleshable father and I would not have been here in the first place. I thank you dear God for being my eternal Father and I thank you for my wonderful earthly Father that you give to me. My earthly Father was mot a large man in size but he had a heart of gold. He was not an educated Father but he had wisdom as a genius, he loved his heavenly Father, and he loved his family and he taught us right from wrong, he displayed his Christianity before the whole world. I know that he installed that wisdom in me that I could pass that Christianity on to my family. I thank you dear God for your wisdom that you have passed on to my family and me.
I am so grateful dear God that I feel that I have been a good Father and I feel that I am passing this knowledge on to my children, and that they will pass that on to their children. Dear God I have made many mistakes, I am certainly not perfect, but I do want to be a good Father, I want to be a good Christian child of yours. I praise your name dear God for letting me being a Father on this earth of yours.
Have a wonderful Fathers Day Children; I love you all very much.--- Your Dad
Heavenly Father, when I start thanking of or about my earthly Father I start thanking of you, because you are my earthly and heavenly father and you will be my eternal father. With out you there would not have been a fleshable father and I would not have been here in the first place. I thank you dear God for being my eternal Father and I thank you for my wonderful earthly Father that you give to me. My earthly Father was mot a large man in size but he had a heart of gold. He was not an educated Father but he had wisdom as a genius, he loved his heavenly Father, and he loved his family and he taught us right from wrong, he displayed his Christianity before the whole world. I know that he installed that wisdom in me that I could pass that Christianity on to my family. I thank you dear God for your wisdom that you have passed on to my family and me.
I am so grateful dear God that I feel that I have been a good Father and I feel that I am passing this knowledge on to my children, and that they will pass that on to their children. Dear God I have made many mistakes, I am certainly not perfect, but I do want to be a good Father, I want to be a good Christian child of yours. I praise your name dear God for letting me being a Father on this earth of yours.
Have a wonderful Fathers Day Children; I love you all very much.--- Your Dad
Farhers Day Prayer
Hog Heaven
Have you ever thought about where or what hog heaven is all about or where it is located, well I have. I guess I thought that Jimmie Dean was living in “ Hog Heaven “, well I found out that he does not live in hog heaven, I thought that the big movie stars all lived in hog heave, but they were living in sin. I then thought that our government, our senators and our congressmen all lived in hog heaven and I found out they were all preparing them selves to go straight to HELL?
I spent many years searching and looking all over the world trying to find hog heaven well I finally found it in October 2004, at the assisted and retirement home named Renaissance near the beautiful city of Rome Georgia. It sits on a large lot with a beautiful building that is surrounded with some beautiful mountains and provides living space for about 100 occupants. It has plenty walking area and some beautiful shade trees to sit under. It has very experienced administrative staff and plenty of dedicated workers to take care of the occupant and minister to most of our needs. It even provides space for us to have a beautiful garden.
Well what is Hog Heaven, let me tell you what I thank hog heaven is for me. It is a place that you can relax and be your own boss, you can sleep when you want to, or you can go to bed when you so desire. You have no obligations, no worry unless you choose to worry; you can sit out in the old shade tree and spend hours meditating on any thing that so desire even on Jesus Christ. I enjoy spending hours admiring the garden looking into the beautiful blue sky; I am perfectly happy and content with life. God bless America.
Have you ever thought about where or what hog heaven is all about or where it is located, well I have. I guess I thought that Jimmie Dean was living in “ Hog Heaven “, well I found out that he does not live in hog heaven, I thought that the big movie stars all lived in hog heave, but they were living in sin. I then thought that our government, our senators and our congressmen all lived in hog heaven and I found out they were all preparing them selves to go straight to HELL?
I spent many years searching and looking all over the world trying to find hog heaven well I finally found it in October 2004, at the assisted and retirement home named Renaissance near the beautiful city of Rome Georgia. It sits on a large lot with a beautiful building that is surrounded with some beautiful mountains and provides living space for about 100 occupants. It has plenty walking area and some beautiful shade trees to sit under. It has very experienced administrative staff and plenty of dedicated workers to take care of the occupant and minister to most of our needs. It even provides space for us to have a beautiful garden.
Well what is Hog Heaven, let me tell you what I thank hog heaven is for me. It is a place that you can relax and be your own boss, you can sleep when you want to, or you can go to bed when you so desire. You have no obligations, no worry unless you choose to worry; you can sit out in the old shade tree and spend hours meditating on any thing that so desire even on Jesus Christ. I enjoy spending hours admiring the garden looking into the beautiful blue sky; I am perfectly happy and content with life. God bless America.
My Document "HOG HEAVEN"
Hog Heaven
Have you ever thought about where or what hog heaven is all about or where it is located, well I have. I guess I thought that Jimmie Dean was living in “ Hog Heaven “, well I found out that he does not live in hog heaven, I thought that the big movie stars all lived in hog heave, but they were living in sin. I then thought that our government, our senators and our congressmen all lived in hog heaven and I found out they were all preparing them selves to go straight to HELL?
I spent many years searching and looking all over the world trying to find hog heaven well I finally found it in October 2004, at the assisted and retirement home named Renaissance near the beautiful city of Rome Georgia. It sits on a large lot with a beautiful building that is surrounded with some beautiful mountains and provides living space for about 100 occupants. It has plenty walking area and some beautiful shade trees to sit under. It has very experienced administrative staff and plenty of dedicated workers to take care of the occupant and minister to most of our needs. It even provides space for us to have a beautiful garden.
Well what is Hog Heaven, let me tell you what I thank hog heaven is for me. It is a place that you can relax and be your own boss, you can sleep when you want to, or you can go to bed when you so desire. You have no obligations, no worry unless you choose to worry; you can sit out in the old shade tree and spend hours meditating on any thing that so desire even on Jesus Christ. I enjoy spending hours admiring the garden looking into the beautiful blue sky; I am perfectly happy and content with life. God bless America.
Have you ever thought about where or what hog heaven is all about or where it is located, well I have. I guess I thought that Jimmie Dean was living in “ Hog Heaven “, well I found out that he does not live in hog heaven, I thought that the big movie stars all lived in hog heave, but they were living in sin. I then thought that our government, our senators and our congressmen all lived in hog heaven and I found out they were all preparing them selves to go straight to HELL?
I spent many years searching and looking all over the world trying to find hog heaven well I finally found it in October 2004, at the assisted and retirement home named Renaissance near the beautiful city of Rome Georgia. It sits on a large lot with a beautiful building that is surrounded with some beautiful mountains and provides living space for about 100 occupants. It has plenty walking area and some beautiful shade trees to sit under. It has very experienced administrative staff and plenty of dedicated workers to take care of the occupant and minister to most of our needs. It even provides space for us to have a beautiful garden.
Well what is Hog Heaven, let me tell you what I thank hog heaven is for me. It is a place that you can relax and be your own boss, you can sleep when you want to, or you can go to bed when you so desire. You have no obligations, no worry unless you choose to worry; you can sit out in the old shade tree and spend hours meditating on any thing that so desire even on Jesus Christ. I enjoy spending hours admiring the garden looking into the beautiful blue sky; I am perfectly happy and content with life. God bless America.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Some of my daily activities
Some Of My Activities Sunday May 31st. 2009
My children frequently call and ask what have you been doing today or what is going on in my life each day. Well I am an old 87 year man and there, is very little going on in my life, let me give you my high lights of this day. I woke up early this morning around 6; 30 and I usually don’t get awake until around 8:00 or 9;00 A.M. The first thing that I thought about this morning that this is my wife’s birthday, and I spent considerable time reminiscent over our life together and praying gods blessings for my family and praying and thanking God for his blessing on my lovely wife which lives in heaven.
For the next several minutes was spent in the bath room taking care of all the necessary chores needs and required details, and in your advanced age they become quiet a chore. Back over in my working years I could shave shower and s--t in 15 minutes, and now it requires about two hours. It seams that all your vital organs seam to quit function at a certain age. When you try to void, you turn the water on in the lavatory so you can hear the water running and that helps you get in the mood to get your urine to start dripping, so you hold on to the brace they have installed for old people to hold on and keep you from going to sleep and falling on the floor.
After you finish empting your bladder you then start thank that you may feel the urge that maybe that prune juice may be ready to act, you can not tell for sure so you lower your pants, hoping that this is the real urge, or is it just a explosion created from gas by drinking a gallon of prune juice, this goes on for several minutes. When you thank that you have completed that chore, and then you feel the great urge to pass some gas again and you thank that it is only gas and you don’t lower your pants and then you find out it was the real stuff, and then you got to take another shower and wash your drawers.
Now it is getting around ten O’clock and if you have any strength left you start shaving, combing your hair, installing you partials, hunting your glasses, installing you hearing aids.
It is time to enter in to the kitchen, but I stop by my computer and check see if I have any Interested looking emails, and if I see some that looks interesting I may read some of them. By the time I enter the kitchen I feel so exhausted I feel that I need to have a little nap before breakfast then I may eat something or I may just skip breakfast totally that day. Food don’t taste good any more anyway people have messed with food trying to cut out calories and it doesn’t have any flavor and this generation of people does not know how to cook a decent meal anyway, I believe that they are to dam lazy.
This Sunday was quiet different from most Sundays because about the time I finished in the bath room I received a call from my oldest son (Rick) and stated that he was on his way to visit me. After receiving his call I decided not to eat any breakfast that day because I knew that we were going out to eat lunch. So I carried him to my favorite café here in Rome, which is, Picky-Dilly they know how to prepare soul food and that is the kind of food that I enjoy. But when we got there they were closed because they had an electrical problem, so we went over to Harvest Moon Café and they were also closed they stated that they no longer opened on Sunday. We then went to Partridge Café and we finally found something to eat there.
This was an enjoyable Sunday I always love and enjoy when my children come to visit me. Sundays is sorter like the old song, Sundays are the loneliest day of the week. Heavenly Father please bless my little garden and dear God I thank you for the strength and the desire that you have installed within me to prepare and dress it up as a beautiful garden to look at and admire. I spend many hours sitting under the beautiful shade tree admiring the garden and all the surrounding mountains and the other entire creations dear god that you have created for us to enjoy. Dear god it is so peaceful to sit there and listens at some of my favorite gospel music and to meditate on your word and praise your name. I wish that everyone could feel the serenity that I feel when sitting out gazing in to the sky a looking for the Lord to appear. I hope and pray that everyone feels that this little garden is my little ministry for my good friends here at Renaissance.
My children frequently call and ask what have you been doing today or what is going on in my life each day. Well I am an old 87 year man and there, is very little going on in my life, let me give you my high lights of this day. I woke up early this morning around 6; 30 and I usually don’t get awake until around 8:00 or 9;00 A.M. The first thing that I thought about this morning that this is my wife’s birthday, and I spent considerable time reminiscent over our life together and praying gods blessings for my family and praying and thanking God for his blessing on my lovely wife which lives in heaven.
For the next several minutes was spent in the bath room taking care of all the necessary chores needs and required details, and in your advanced age they become quiet a chore. Back over in my working years I could shave shower and s--t in 15 minutes, and now it requires about two hours. It seams that all your vital organs seam to quit function at a certain age. When you try to void, you turn the water on in the lavatory so you can hear the water running and that helps you get in the mood to get your urine to start dripping, so you hold on to the brace they have installed for old people to hold on and keep you from going to sleep and falling on the floor.
After you finish empting your bladder you then start thank that you may feel the urge that maybe that prune juice may be ready to act, you can not tell for sure so you lower your pants, hoping that this is the real urge, or is it just a explosion created from gas by drinking a gallon of prune juice, this goes on for several minutes. When you thank that you have completed that chore, and then you feel the great urge to pass some gas again and you thank that it is only gas and you don’t lower your pants and then you find out it was the real stuff, and then you got to take another shower and wash your drawers.
Now it is getting around ten O’clock and if you have any strength left you start shaving, combing your hair, installing you partials, hunting your glasses, installing you hearing aids.
It is time to enter in to the kitchen, but I stop by my computer and check see if I have any Interested looking emails, and if I see some that looks interesting I may read some of them. By the time I enter the kitchen I feel so exhausted I feel that I need to have a little nap before breakfast then I may eat something or I may just skip breakfast totally that day. Food don’t taste good any more anyway people have messed with food trying to cut out calories and it doesn’t have any flavor and this generation of people does not know how to cook a decent meal anyway, I believe that they are to dam lazy.
This Sunday was quiet different from most Sundays because about the time I finished in the bath room I received a call from my oldest son (Rick) and stated that he was on his way to visit me. After receiving his call I decided not to eat any breakfast that day because I knew that we were going out to eat lunch. So I carried him to my favorite café here in Rome, which is, Picky-Dilly they know how to prepare soul food and that is the kind of food that I enjoy. But when we got there they were closed because they had an electrical problem, so we went over to Harvest Moon Café and they were also closed they stated that they no longer opened on Sunday. We then went to Partridge Café and we finally found something to eat there.
This was an enjoyable Sunday I always love and enjoy when my children come to visit me. Sundays is sorter like the old song, Sundays are the loneliest day of the week. Heavenly Father please bless my little garden and dear God I thank you for the strength and the desire that you have installed within me to prepare and dress it up as a beautiful garden to look at and admire. I spend many hours sitting under the beautiful shade tree admiring the garden and all the surrounding mountains and the other entire creations dear god that you have created for us to enjoy. Dear god it is so peaceful to sit there and listens at some of my favorite gospel music and to meditate on your word and praise your name. I wish that everyone could feel the serenity that I feel when sitting out gazing in to the sky a looking for the Lord to appear. I hope and pray that everyone feels that this little garden is my little ministry for my good friends here at Renaissance.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
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